Journal Article (2008)

Journal Article
Lunt, T.; Feng, Y.; Bernert, M.; Herrmann, A.; de Marne, P.; McDermott, R.; Müller, H. W.; Potzel, S.; Pütterich, T.; Rathgeber, S. et al.; Suttrop, W.; Viezzer, E.; Wolfrum, E.; Wilensdorfer, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: First EMC3-Eirene simulations of the impact of the edge magnetic perturbations at ASDEX Upgrade compared with the experiment. Nuclear Fusion 52, 054013 (7pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Lyssoivan, A.; Douai, D.; Koch, R.; Ongena, J.; Philipps, V.; Schüller, F. C.; Van Eester, D.; Wauters, T.; Blackman, T.; Bobkov, V. et al.; Brezinsek, S.; de la Cal, E.; Durodié, F.; Gauthier, E.; Gerbaud, T.; Graham, M.; Jachmich, S.; Joffrin, E.; Kreter, A.; Kyrytsya, V.; Lereche, E.; Lomas, P.; Louche, F.; Maslov, M.; Mayoral, M.-L.; Moiseenko, V.; Monakhov, I.; Pankratov, I.; Paul, M. K.; Pitts, R. A.; Plyusnin, V.; Sergienko, G.; Shimada, M.; Vdovin, V. L.; JET-EFDA Contributors: Simulation of ITER full-field ICWC scenario in JET: RF physics aspects. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 54, 074014 (25pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Manash Kumar, P.; Lyssoivan, A.; Koch, R.; Wauters, T.; Douai, D.; Bobkov, V.; Van Eester, D.; Lerche, E.; Ongena, J.; Rohde, V. et al.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Graham, M.; Mayoral, M.-L.; Monakhov, I.; Nightingale, M.; Plyusnin, V. V.; ASDEX Upgrade Team; JET-EFDA Contributors: Plasma and antenna coupling characterization in ICRF-wall conditioning experiments. Fusion Engineering and Design 87 (2), pp. 98 - 103 (2012)
Journal Article
Maraschek, M.: Control of neoclassical tearing modes. Nuclear Fusion 52, 074007 (17pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Mlynek, A.; Angioni, C.; Fable, E.; Fischer, R.; Ryter, F.; Stober, J.; Suttrop, W.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Temporally resolved analysis of the response of density and temperature to modulated central electron heating on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 52, 114012 (11pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Mlynek, A.; Pautasso, G.; Maraschek, M.; Eixenberger, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Infrared Interferometry with Submicrosecond Time Resolution in Massive Gas Injection Experiments on ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Science and Technology 61 (4), pp. 290 - 300 (2012)
Journal Article
Nave, M. F. F.; Eriksson, L.-G.; Giroud, C.; Johnson, T. J.; Kirov, K.; Mayoral, M.-L.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Ongena, J.; Saibene, G.; Sartori, R. et al.; Rimini, F.; Tala, T.; de Vries, P.; Zastrow, K.-D.; JET EFDA Contributors: JET intrinsic rotation studies in plasmas with a high normalized beta and varying toroidal field ripple. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 54, 074006 (11pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Nocente, M.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Gorini, G.; Tardocchi, M.; Weller, A.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Bilato, R.; Bobkov, V.; Cazzaniga, C.; Geiger, B. et al.; Grosso, G.; Herrmann, A.; Kiptily, V.; Maraschek, M.; McDermott, R.; Noterdaeme, J. M.; Podoba, Y.; Tardini, G.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Gamma-ray spectroscopy measurements of confined fast ions on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 52, 094021 (8pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Nowak, S.; Lazzaro, E.; Esposito, B.; Granucci, G.; Maraschek, M.; Sauter, O.; Zohm, H.; Brunetti, D.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Interpretation of the effects of electron cyclotron power absorption in pre-disruptive tokamak discharges in ASDEX Upgrade. Physics of Plasmas 19, 092508 (10pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Pace, D. C.; Pinsker, R. I.; Heidbrink, W. W.; Fisher, R. K.; Van Zeeland, M. A.; Austin, M. E.; McKee, G. R.; Garcia Munoz, M.: Scrape-off layer ion acceleration during fast wave injection in the DIII-D tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 52, 063019 (9pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Peeters, A. G.; Strintzi, D.; Camenen, Y.; Angioni, C.; Casson, F. J.; Hornsby, W. A.; Snodin, A. P.: Erratum: "Influence of the centrifugal force and parallel dynamics on the toroidal momentum transport due to small scale turbulence in a tokamak" [Phys. Plasmas 16, 042310 (2009)]. Physics of Plasmas 19, 099901 (3pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Perez von Thun, C.; Salmi, A.; Perona, A.; Sharapov, S. E.; Pinches, S. D.; Popovichev, S.; Conroy, S.; Kiptily, V. G.; Brix, M.; Cecconello, M. et al.; Johnson, T.; JET EFDA Contributors: Study of fast-ion transport induced by fishbones on JET. Nuclear Fusion 52, 094010 (7pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Pochelon, A.; Angelino, P.; Behn, R.; Brunner, S.; Kirneva, N.; Medvedev, S.; Reimerdes, H.; Rossel, J.; Sauter, O.; Villard, L. et al.; Wagner, D.; Bottino, A.; Carmenen, Y.; Canal, G. P.; Chattopadhyay, P. K.; Coda, S.; Duval, B. P.; Goodman, T. P.; Jolliet, S.; Karpushov, A.; Labit, B.; Marinoni, A.; Moret, J.-M.; Pitzschke, A.; Porte, L.; Rancic, M.; Udintsev, V. S.; TCV Team: Recent TCV results innovative plasma shaping to improve plasma properties and insight. Plasma and Fusion Research. Special Issue 7, 2502148 (8pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Püschel, M. J.; Jenko, F.; Schneller, M.; Hauff, T.; Günter, S.; Tardini, G.: Anomalous diffusion of energetic particles: connecting experiment and simulations. Nuclear Fusion 52, 103018 (10pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Rampp, M.; Preuss, R.; Fischer, R.; Hallatschek, K.; Giannone, L.: A parallel Grad-Shafranov solver for real-time control of tokamak plasmas. Fusion Science and Technology 62 (3), pp. 409 - 418 (2012)
Journal Article
Rapp, J.; Kallenbach, A.; Neu, R.; Eich, T.; Fischer, R.; Herrmann, A.; Potzel, S.; Rooij, G. V. v.; Zielinski, J. J.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Radiative type-III ELMy H-mode in all-tungsten ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 52, 122002 (4pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Raupp, G.; Mertens, V.; Neu, G.; Treutterer, W.; Zasche, D.; Zehetbauer, T.: Real-time exception handling - Use cases and response requirements. Fusion Engineering and Design 87 (12), pp. 1891 - 1894 (2012)
Journal Article
Reich, M.; Bock, A.; Maraschek, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: NTM Localization by Correlation of Te and dB/dt. Fusion Science and Technology 61 (4), pp. 309 - 313 (2012)
Journal Article
Ryter, F.; Rathgeber, S. K.; Viezzer, E.; Suttrop, W.; Burckhart, A.; Fischer, R.; Kurzan, B.; Potzel, S.; Pütterich, T.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: L-H transition in the presence of magnetic perturbations in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 52, 114014 (7pp) (2012)
Journal Article
Salewski, M.; Geiger, B.; Nielsen, S. K.; Bindslev, H.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Heidbrink, W. W.; Korsholm, S. B.; Leipold, F.; Meo, F.; Michelsen, P. K. et al.; Moseev, D.; Stejner, M.; Tardini, G.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Tomography of fast-ion velocity-space distributions from synthetic CTS and FIDA measurements. Nuclear Fusion 52, 103008 (11pp) (2012)
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