Rules of Good Scientific Practice

To give advice in cases of conflict on matters of good scientific practice the scientific staff has elected ombudspersons.

According to the rules of the of the Max Planck Society an independent, appropriately qualified person of considerable personal integrity is elected from among the scientific staff at each institute to act as an ombudsperson in cases of conflict on matters of good scientific practice. As a point of contact that is independent of the institute management it is the job of the ombudsperson in particular to be available to all concerned as a confidential advisor in cases where there is suspicion of a violation of the principles of good scientific practice.

Ombudspersons at IPP are:

IPP Garching

Dr. Andreas Stegmeier 

Tel: 089-3299-2210

IPP Greifswald Branch

Dr. Adrian von Stechow

Tel: 03834-88-2517

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