4th International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2014)
6 - 10 October 2014, IPP Garching, Germany
The 4th International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources – NIBS2014 – will be held at the town of Garching, which is near Munich, Germany, on October 6th - 10th, 2014. The symposium is organized by the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik.
The original focus of the symposium, when it began in 1977, as The Symposium on Production and Neutralization of Negative Ions and Beams was on accelerator and fusion applications. The current form of the symposium welcomes contributions on any aspect of the use of negative ions in basic or applied research. NIBS2014 will cover all areas of science and technology related to negative ion production and use. The symposium will present results obtained from experimental investigations as well as theoretical modeling. The symposium is also an ideal setting for new researchers to establish contacts and see firsthand the latest developments in the field of negative ion research.