Publikationen von P. McNeely
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (65)
49, 125007 (9pp) (2009)
Physical performance analysis and progress of the development of the negative ion RF source for the ITER NBI system. Nuclear Fusion 42.
18, 014011 (17pp) (2009)
A Langmuir probe system for high power RF-driven negative ion sources on high potential. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 43.
84 (2-6), S. 265 - 268 (2009)
Development of a RF-driven ion source for the ITER NBI system. Fusion Engineering and Design 44.
79 (2), 02A511 (6pp) (2008)
Low Pressure and High Power RF Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions for Fusion Applications (ITER neutral beam injection) (invited). Review of Scientific Instruments 45.
79 (2), 02C108 (3pp) (2008)
Long pulse large area beam extraction with an RF driven H-/D- source. Review of Scientific Instruments 46.
49, S. B563 - B580 (2007)
Negative ion RF sources for ITER NBI: status of the deveopment and recent achievements. Invited Paper. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 47.
47, S. 264 - 270 (2007)
Progress of the Development of the IPP RF Negative Ion Source for the ITER Neutral Beam System. Nuclear Fusion 48.
82, S. 407 - 423 (2007)
RADI - a RF source size-scaling experiment towards the ITER neutral beam negative ion source. Fusion Engineering and Design 49.
367-370, S. 1444 - 1448 (2007)
High Heat Flux Facility GLADIS - Operational Characteristics and Results of W7-X Pre-Series Target Tests. Journal of Nuclear Materials 50.
46, S. S297 - S306 (2006)
Spectroscopy - A Powerful Diagnostic Tool in Source Development. Nuclear Fusion 51.
46, S. S220 - S238 (2006)
Overview of the RF source development programme at IPP Garching. Nuclear Fusion 52.
74, S. 299 - 303 (2005)
Diagnostics of the cesium amount in an RF negative ion source and the correlation with the extracted current density. Fusion Engineering and Design 53.
74, S. 351 - 357 (2005)
Status and plans for the development of a RF negative ion source for ITER NBI. Fusion Engineering and Design 54.
75-79, S. 345 - 350 (2005)
Design, performance and construction of a 2 MW ion beam test facility for plasma facing components. Fusion Engineering and Design 55.
74, S. 337 - 341 (2005)
RF-source development for ITER: Large area H− beam extraction, modifications for long pulse operation and design of a half size ITER source. Fusion Engineering and Design 56.
74, S. 279 - 282 (2005)
Development of a RF source for ITER NBI: First results with D− operation. Fusion Engineering and Design 57.
96, S. 4107 - 4113 (2004)
Analysis of plasma dynamics of a negative ion source based on probe measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 58.
44, S. 624 - 628 (2004)
Comparative Measurements between Langmuir Probe and Ion-Acoustic Wave Detection in a Radio Frequency Source. Contributions to Plasma Physics 59.
75, S. 1832 - 1834 (2004)
Progress in the development of rf driven H–/D– sources for neutral beam injection. Review of Scientific Instruments 60.
84, S. 182 - 184 (2004)
Measurement of ion flow in a negative ion source using a Mach probe. Applied Physics Letters