Publikationen von P. McNeely

Zeitschriftenartikel (65)

Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Kraus, W.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Falter, H.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C. et al.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Stäbler, A.; Wünderlich, D.: Physical performance analysis and progress of the development of the negative ion RF source for the ITER NBI system. Nuclear Fusion 49, 125007 (9pp) (2009)
McNeely, P.; Dudin, V.; Christ-Koch, S.; Fantz, U.; NNBI Team: A Langmuir probe system for high power RF-driven negative ion sources on high potential. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 18, 014011 (17pp) (2009)
Stäbler, A.; Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Falter, H. D.; Froeschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Holtum, D. et al.; Kraus, W.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P.; Nocentini, R.; Obermayer, S.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: Development of a RF-driven ion source for the ITER NBI system. Fusion Engineering and Design 84 (2-6), S. 265 - 268 (2009)
Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Kraus, W.; Falter, H. D.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C. et al.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: Low Pressure and High Power RF Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions for Fusion Applications (ITER neutral beam injection) (invited). Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (2), 02A511 (6pp) (2008)
Kraus, W.; Falter, H.-D.; Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Heinemann, B.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.: Long pulse large area beam extraction with an RF driven H-/D- source. Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (2), 02C108 (3pp) (2008)
Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Kraus, W.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P. et al.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: Negative ion RF sources for ITER NBI: status of the deveopment and recent achievements. Invited Paper. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 49, S. B563 - B580 (2007)
Franzen, P.; Falter, H. D.; Fantz, U.; Kraus, W.; Berger, M.; Christ, S.; Fröschle, M.; Gutser, R.; Heinemann, B.; Hilbert, S. et al.; Leyer, S.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: Progress of the Development of the IPP RF Negative Ion Source for the ITER Neutral Beam System. Nuclear Fusion 47, S. 264 - 270 (2007)
Franzen, P.; Falter, H.; Heinemann, B.; Martens, C.; Fantz, U.; Berger, M.; Christ-Koch, S.; Fröschle, M.; Holtum, D.; Kraus, W. et al.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Süss, R.; Obermayer, S.; Speth, E.; Wünderlich, D.: RADI - a RF source size-scaling experiment towards the ITER neutral beam negative ion source. Fusion Engineering and Design 82, S. 407 - 423 (2007)
Greuner, H.; Boeswirth, B.; Boscary, J.; McNeely, P.: High Heat Flux Facility GLADIS - Operational Characteristics and Results of W7-X Pre-Series Target Tests. Journal of Nuclear Materials 367-370, S. 1444 - 1448 (2007)
Fantz, U.; Falter, H.; Franzen, P.; Wünderlich, D.; Berger, M.; Lorenz, A.; Kraus, W.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.: Spectroscopy - A Powerful Diagnostic Tool in Source Development. Nuclear Fusion 46, S. S297 - S306 (2006)
Fantz, U.; Falter, H. D.; Franzen, P.; Bandyopadhyay, M.; Heinemann, B.; Kraus, W.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Tanga, A. et al.; Wilhelm, R.: Diagnostics of the cesium amount in an RF negative ion source and the correlation with the extracted current density. Fusion Engineering and Design 74, S. 299 - 303 (2005)
Franzen, P.; Falter, H.-D.; Speth, E.; Kraus, W.; Bandyopadhyay, M.; Encheva, A.; Fantz, U.; Franke, T.; Heinemann, B.; Holtum, D. et al.; Martens, C.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Tanga, A.; Wilhelm, R.: Status and plans for the development of a RF negative ion source for ITER NBI. Fusion Engineering and Design 74, S. 351 - 357 (2005)
Greuner, H.; Bolt, H.; Böswirth, B.; Franke, T.; McNeely, P.; Obermayer, S.; Rust, N.; Süß, R.: Design, performance and construction of a 2 MW ion beam test facility for plasma facing components. Fusion Engineering and Design 75-79, S. 345 - 350 (2005)
Kraus, W.; Heinemann, B.; Falter, H.; Franzen, P.; Speth, E.; Entscheva, A.; Fantz, U.; Franke, T.; Holtum, D.; Martens, C. et al.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Wilhelm, R.: RF-source development for ITER: Large area H beam extraction, modifications for long pulse operation and design of a half size ITER source. Fusion Engineering and Design 74, S. 337 - 341 (2005)
Speth, E.; Falter, H. D.; Franzen, P.; Heinemann, B.; Bandyopadhyay, M.; Fantz, U.; Kraus, W.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Tanga, A. et al.; Wilhelm, R.: Development of a RF source for ITER NBI: First results with D operation. Fusion Engineering and Design 74, S. 279 - 282 (2005)
Bandyopadhyay, M.; Tanga, A.; Falter, H. D.; Franzen, P.; Heinemann, B.; Holtum, D.; Kraus, W.; Lackner, K.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R. et al.; Speth, E.; Wilhelm, R.: Analysis of plasma dynamics of a negative ion source based on probe measurements. Journal of Applied Physics 96, S. 4107 - 4113 (2004)
Bandyopadhyay, M.; Tanga, A.; McNeely, P.; Yaroshenko, V.: Comparative Measurements between Langmuir Probe and Ion-Acoustic Wave Detection in a Radio Frequency Source. Contributions to Plasma Physics 44, S. 624 - 628 (2004)
Kraus, W.; Bandyopadhyay, M.; Falter, H.; Franzen, P.; Heinemann, B.; McNeely, P.; Riedl, R.; Speth, E.; Tanga, A.; Wilhelm, R.: Progress in the development of rf driven H/D sources for neutral beam injection. Review of Scientific Instruments 75, S. 1832 - 1834 (2004)
Tanga, A.; Bandyopadhyay, M.; McNeely, P.: Measurement of ion flow in a negative ion source using a Mach probe. Applied Physics Letters 84, S. 182 - 184 (2004)
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