Publications of K. Sugiyama

Poster (63)

Bresinsek, S.; Kreter, A.; Pospieszczyk, A.; Kirschner, A.; Ding, R.; Schmitz, O.; Philipps, V.; Samm, U.; Sugiyama, K.; Ueda, Y. et al.: Comparison of 13C2H4 and 13CH4 injection through C and W limiters in TEXTOR. 12th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-12), Jülich (2009)
Ogorodnikova, O. V.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Sugiyama, K.; Dürbeck, T.; Manhard, A.; von Toussaint, U.; Jacob, W.; Mayer, M.: Deuterium retention in different tungsten grades. 12th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-12), Jülich (2009)
Porosnicu, C.; Lungu, C. P.; Anghel, A.; Sugiyama, K.; Krieger, K.; Roth, J.; Andrei, V.: Substrate Temperature Influence in Formation of Stable Be-W Composite Films Prepared by Thermionic Vacuum Arc Method. 12th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-12), Jülich (2009)
Sugiyama, K.; Alimov, V. K.; Roth, J.: Long-term deuterium release from CFC in the air atmosphere. 12th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-12), Jülich (2009)
Rohde, V.; Mayer, M.; Mertens, V.; Neu, R.; Scarabosio, A.; Sugiyama, K.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Dynamic and static deuterium inventory in ASDEX Upgrade with tungsten first wall. 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva (2008)
Hayashi, T.; Sugiyama, K.; Mayer, M.; Krieger, K.; Masaki, K.; Tanabe, T.; Sato, M.: Deuterium depth profiling in graphite tiles not exposed to hydrogen discharges before air ventilation of JT-60U. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI 18), Toledo (2008)
Sugiyama, K.; Krieger, K.; Lungu, C. P.; Roth, J.: Hydrogen retention in ITER relevant mixed material layers. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI 18), Toledo (2008)
Hynönen, V.; Kurki-Suonio, T.; Ahlgren, T.; Nordlund, K.; Sugiyama, K.; Dux, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Fusion tritons and plasma-facing components in a fusion reactor. 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw (2007)
Hayashi, T.; Sugiyama, K.; Krieger, K.; Mayer, M.; Alimov, V.; Tanabe, T.; Masaki, K.; Miya, N.: Deuterium depth profiling in JT-60U tiles using the D3(He,p)4He resonant nuclear reaction. 17th International Conference of Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI 17), Hefei Anhui (2006)
Sugiyama, K.; Hayashi, T.; Krieger, K.; Mayer, M.; Masaki, K.; Miya, N.; Tanabe, T.: Ion Beam analysis of H/D retention in the near surface layers of JT-60U plasma facing wall tiles. 17th International Conference of Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices, Hefei Anhui (2006)