Publikationen von E. V. Stenson

Poster (74)

Stenson, E. V.; Horn-Stanja, J.; Saitoh, H.; Nißl, S.; Hergenhahn, U.; Pedersen, T. S.; Stoneking, M. R.; Singer, M.; Dickmann, M.; Vohburger, S. et al.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Schwekhard, L.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M.: Discoveries and developments in support of electron/positron pair plasmas. 59th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Milwaukee, WI (2017)
Stenson, E. V.; Saitoh, H.; Horn-Stanja, J.; Hergenhahn, U.; Paschkowski, N.; Pedersen, T. S.; Stoneking, M. R.; Dickmann, M.; Singer, M.; Vohburger, S. et al.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Schweikhard, L.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M.: Dipole configuration for confinement of positrons and electron-positron plasma. 58th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, San Jose, CA (2017)
Saitoh, H.; Hergenhahn, U.; Niemann, H.; Paschkowski, N.; Pedersen, T. S.; Stanja, J.; Stenson, E. V.; Stoneking, M. R.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Piochacz, C. et al.; Vohburger, S.; Schweikhard, L.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M.: Progress toward the creation of magnetically confined pair plasmas. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP), Hannover (2016)
Saitoh, H.; Horn-Stanja, J.; Stenson, E. V.; Hergenhahn, U.; Pedersen, T. S.; Singer, M.; Stoneking, M. R.; Yanagi, N.: Development status of a levitated dipole experiment for pair-plasma production. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Bremen (eingereicht)
Stanja, J.; Hergenhahn, U.; Niemann, H.; Pedersen, T. S.; Saitoh, H.; Stenson, E. V.; Stoneking, M. R.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Piochacz, C.: Characterization of positron beams for the APEX project. 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven (2016)
Stenson, E. V.; Hergenhahn, U.; Saitoh, H.; Stanja, J.; Pedersen, T. S.; Stoneking, M. R.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Schweikhard, L.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M.: Progressing toward pair plasmas: the latest developments from the APEX/PAX project. 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven (2016)
Stoneking, M. R.; Horn-Stanja, J.; Stenson, E. V.; Pedersen, T. S.; Saitoh, H.; Hergenhahn, U.; Niemann, H.; Paschkowski, N.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Piochacz, C.: Intense positron beam as a source for production of electron-positron plasma. 58th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, San Jose, CA (eingereicht)
Stanja, J.; Hergenhahn, U.; Niemann, H.; Paschkowski, N.; Pedersen, T. S.; Saitoh, H.; Stenson, E.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Schweikhard, L.; Danielson, J. R. et al.; Surko, C. M.: Progress towards positron-electron pair plasma experiment. DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2015 der Fachverbände Kurzzeitphysik und Plasmaphysik, Bochum (eingereicht)
Stenson, E. V.; Hergenhahn, U.; Niemann, H.; Paschkowski, N.; Pedersen, T. S.; Saitoh, H.; Stanja, J.; Stoneking, M. R.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Piochacz, C. et al.; Vohburger, S.; Schweikhard, L.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M.: Advancements toward matter-antimatter pair plasmas in the laboratory. 57th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Savannah, GA (2015)
Stenson, E. V.; Hergenhahn, U.; Niemann, H.; Paschkowski, N.; Saitoh, H.; Stanja, J.; Pedersen, T. S.; Stoneking, M. R.; Piochacz, C.; Hugenschmidt, C. et al.; Schweikhard, L.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M.: Toward realization of electron-positron plasmas in the lab: Project overview, positron beam experiments, and linear traps. 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon (2015)
Stoneking, M. R.; Hergenhahn, U.; Saitoh, H.; Stanja, J.; Stenson, E. V.; Pedersen, T. S.; Hugenschmidt, C.: Toward Realization of Electron-Positron Plasma in the Lab: Initial Results on the Injection of an Intense Positron Beam into a Dipole Magnetic Field. 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon (2015)
Saitoh, H.; Pedersen, T. S.; Hergenhahn, U.; Stenson, E.; Paschkowski, N.: Injection and trapping of electrons in a dipole magnetic field: towards the formation of an electron-positron plasma. 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin (eingereicht)
Stanja, J.; Hergenhahn, U.; Niemann, H.; Paschkowski, N.; Pedersen, T. S.; Saitoh, H.; Stenson, E.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Marx, G. H.; Schweikhard, L. et al.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M.: Progress toward positron-electron pair plasma experiments. 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, New Orleans, LA (2014)
Stenson, E.; Hergenhahn, U.; Niemann, H.; Paschkowski, N.; Pedersen, T. S.; Saitoh, H.; Stanja, J.; Marx, G. H.; Schweikhard, L.; Hugenschmidt, C. et al.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M.: Progress toward positron accumulation for use in pair plasmas. 56th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, New Orleans, LA (2014)
Stenson, E.; Saitoh, H.; Niemann, H.; Paschkowski, N.; Hergenhahn, U.; Marx, G.; Schweikhard, L.; Danielson, J.; Surko, C.; Hugenschmidt, C. et al.; Pedersen, T. S.: Progress towards making a plasma of positrons and electrons. 78. DPG-Jahrestagung und Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP, Berlin (2014)
Pedersen, T. S.; Sarasola, X.; Hergenhahn, U.; Paschkowski, N.; Stenson, E.; Schauer, F.; Marx, G. H.; Schweikhard, L.; Hugenschmidt, C.; Danielson, J. R. et al.; Surko, C. M.: Progress on a Positron Accumulation Experiment (PAX). DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Jena (2013)
Stenson, E.: High-speed flows in expanding arched magnetic flux tubes. 10th International Workshop on Non-Neutral Plasmas (NNP 2012), Greifswald (2012)

Bericht (2)

Pedersen, T. S.; Helander, P.; Stenson, E. V.; Hergenhahn, U.; Saitoh, H.; Horn-Stanja, J.; Stoneking, M.; Danielson, J. R.; Surko, C. M.: A new frontier in laboratory plasma- and astrophysics: electron-positron plasmas. Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching (2019), 10 S.
Saitoh, H.; Horn-Stanja, J.; Stenson, E.; Hergenhahn, U.; Pedersen, T. S.; Stoneking, M. R.: A note on levitation techniques toward construction of a superconducting levitated dipole experiment. Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching (2016), 15 S.

Sonstige (2)

Stenson, E.: APEX-PAX-EPOS: progress & developments on the path to confined matter-antimatter plasmas. (2023)
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