Publications of R. Riedl

Poster (46)

Fantz, U.; Wünderlich, D.; Riedl, R.; Heinemann, B.; Bonomo, F.; NNBI-Team: Approaching the ion source parameters for ITER's NBI systems with the test facility ELISE. 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan (submitted)
McNeely, P.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Auerweck, W.; Drider, Y.; Ford, O.; Hartmann, D.; Heinemann, B.; Heinrich, S.; Hopf, C.; Kairys, R. et al.; Obermeyer, S.; Riedl, R.; Rong, P.; Rust, N.; Schroeder, R.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Commissioning and Initial Operation of the W7-X Neutral Beam Injection Heating System. 14th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-14), Budapest (submitted)
Fantz, U.; Bonomo, F.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Hurlbatt, A.; Kraus, W.; Schiesko, L.; Montellano, I. M.; Nocentini, R.; Riedl, R. et al.; Wimmer, C.: Advanced NBI beam characterisation capabilities at the recently improved test facility BATMAN Upgrade. 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2018), Giardini Naxos (submitted)
Heinemann, B.; Kraus, W.; Wünderlich, D.; Bonomo, F.; Fantz, U.; Fröschle, M.; Mario, I.; Riedl, R.; Wimmer, C.: Achievements of the ELISE test facility in view of the ITER NBI. 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2018), Giardini Naxos (submitted)
Nocentini, R.; Bonomo, F.; Fantz, U.; Froeschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Mario, I.; Riedl, R.; Schiesko, L.: A new tungsten wire calorimeter for the negative ion source testbed BATMAN-Upgrade. 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2018), Giardini Naxos (submitted)
Orozco, G.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Nocentini, R.; Riedl, R.: Reviewed design of the high heat flux panels for the AUG and W7-X neutral beam calorimeter. 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2018), Giardini Naxos (submitted)
Heinemann, B.; Fantz, U.; Kraus, W.; Wünderlich, D.; Bonomo, F.; Froeschle, M.; Mario, I.; Nocentini, R.; Riedl, R.; Wimmer, C.: Latest achievements of the negative ion beam test facility ELISE. 13th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-13), Kyoto (submitted)
Wünderlich, D.; Fantz, U.; Heinemann, B.; Kraus, W.; Riedl, R.; NNBI Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Current results of the ITER relevant large RF driven negative ion beam test facility ELISE. 82. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP, Erlangen (submitted)
Fantz, U.; Hopf, C.; Wünderlich, D.; Friedl, R.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Kraus, W.; Kurutz, U.; Riedl, R.; Nocentini, R. et al.; Schiesko, L.: Towards Powerful Negative Ion Beams at the Test Facility ELISE for the ITER and DEMO NBI System. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016), Kyoto (submitted)
Heinemann, B.; Wünderlich, D.; Fantz, U.; Fröschle, M.; Kraus, W.; Nocentini, R.; Riedl, R.: Progress and further plans towards high power negative ion beams at ELISE. 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2016) , Prague (submitted)
Nocentini, R.; Fantz, U.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Kraus, W.; Riedl, R.; Wünderlich, D.: Preparation of the ELISE test facility for long-pulse extraction of negative ion beams. 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2016) , Prague (submitted)
Orozco, G.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Hopf, C.; Nocentini, R.; Riedl, R.: Characterization and performance improvement of large titanium sublimation pumps in AUG and W7-X NBI. 29th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2016) , Prague (submitted)
Hartmann, D. A.; McNeely, P.; Barlak, M.; Baldzuhn, J.; Bozhenkov, S.; Drevlak, M.; Gawlik, G.; Heinemann, B.; Holtum, D.; Jagielski, J. et al.; Kairys, R.; Nocentini, R.; Orozco, G.; Riedl, R.; Rong, P.; Rust, N.; Schroeder, R.; Speth, E.; Stäbler, A.; Turos, A.; Wolf, R. C.: Current Status of the Neutral Beam Injection System of W7-X. 20th International Stellarator-Heliotron Workshop (ISHW), Greifswald (submitted)
Marcuzzi, D.; Agostinetti, P.; Dalla Palma, M.; De Muri, M.; Chitarin, G.; Gambetta, G.; Marconato, N.; Pasqualotto, R.; Pavei, M.; Pilan, N. et al.; Rizzolo, A.; Serianni, G.; Toigo, V.; Trevisan, L.; Visentin, M.; Zaccaria, P.; Zaupa, M.; Boilson, D.; Graceffa, J.; Hemsworth, R. S.; Choi, C. H.; Marti, M.; Roux, K.; Singh, M. J.; Masiello, A.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Nocentini, R.; Riedl, R.; Tobari, H.; Esch, H. P. L. d.; Muvvala, V. N.: Final Design of the Beam Source for the MITICA Injector. 26th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE 2015), Austin, TX (submitted)
Nocentini, R.; Bonomo, F.; Ricci, M.; Pimazzoni, A.; Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Heinemann, B.; Riedl, R.; Wünderlich, D.: Beam Calorimetry at the Large Negative Ion Source Test Facility ELISE: Experimental Setup and Latest Results. 12th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-12), Jeju Island, Korea (submitted)
Orozco, G.; Fröschle, M.; Heinemann, B.; Hopf, C.; Nocentini, R.; Riedl, R.: Preliminary results of the optimization of the large titanium sublimation pumps for the W7-X neutral beam injection system. 26th IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE 2015), Austin, TX (submitted)
Bonomo, F.; Barbisan, M.; Cristofaro, S.; Ruf, B.; Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Pasqualotto, R.; Riedl, R.; Schiesko, L.; Serianni, G. et al.; Wünderlich, D.; NNBI Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: BATMAN Beam Properties Characterization by the Beam Emission Spectrocopy Diagnostic. 4th International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2014), Garching (submitted)
Fröschle, M.; Friedl, R.; Kammerloher, M.; Riedl, R.; Steinberger, J.: Concepts of Caseium Evaporation and Control at IPP. 4th International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2014), Garching (submitted)
Heinemann, B.; Fantz, U.; Franzen, P.; Fröschle, M.; Kraus, W.; Nocentini, R.; Riedl, R.; Ruf, B.: Upgrade of BATMAN test facility for H- source development. 4th International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2014), Garching (submitted)
Orozco, G.; Stäbler, A.; Riedl, R.; Fröschle, M.; Nocentini, R.; Heinemann, B.: A test bed for AC operation of Ti sublimation pumps in the NBI system for W7-X. 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo (2013)
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