Publications of D. A. Hartmann

Poster (55)

Brakel, R.; van Eeten, P.; Hartmann, D. A.; Henkelmann, K.; Knauer, J.; Müller, K.; Okkenga-Wolf, A.; Wenzel, U.: Configuration management for Wendelstein 7-X. 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2008), Rostock (2008)
Lyssoivan, A.; Sergienko, G.; Philipps, V.; Koch, R.; van Eester, D.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Bobkov, V.; de la Cal, E.; Fahrbach, H.-U.; Freisinger, M. et al.; Gauthier, E.; Hartmann, D.; Herrmann, A.; Kreter, A.; Reimer, H.; Rohde, V.; Samm, U.; Suttrop, W.; van Wassenhove, G.; Vervier, M.; Weynants, R.; TEXTOR Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team: New scenarios of ICRF wall conditioning in TEXTOR and ASDEX Upgrade. 17th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI 17), Hefei Anhui (2006)
Bilato, R.; Mayoral, M.-L.; Rimini, F.; Brambilla, M.; Hartmann, D.; Korotkov, A.; Lamalle, P.; Monakhov, I.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Sartori, R. et al.; JET EFDA Contributors: JET ICRF antennas coupling on extreme plasma shapes. 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London (2004)
Heikkinen, J. A.; Bobkov, V. V.; D'Ippolito, D. A.; Hartmann, D. A.; Myra, J.; Rantamäki, K. M.; Salmi, A.; Hellsten, T.; Lamalle, P. U.; Mantsinen, M. et al.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; JET-EFDA Contributors: Experiments on ICRF Coupling with Different Phasings. 31st EPS on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, London (2004)
Rust, N.; Hartmann, D.; Osakabe, M.; Ott, W.; Speth, E.: Measurement of Neutral-Beam Deposition Profiles at W7-AS and LHD Stellarator. 14th International Stellarator Workshop, Greifswald (2003)
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