Publications of D. Wünderlich
All genres
Journal Article (138)
Journal Article
127, 033302 (2020)
Kinetic sheath in presence of multiple positive ions, negative ions, and particle wall emission. Journal of Applied Physics 42.
Journal Article
240, 106695 (2020)
Yacora on the Web: Online collisional radiative models for plasmas containing H, H2 or He. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 43.
Journal Article
146, Pt. A, pp. 455 - 459 (2019)
Achievements of the ELISE test facility in view of the ITER NBI. Fusion Engineering and Design 44.
Journal Article
61, 105012 (2019)
The particle tracking code BBCNI for large negative ion beams and their diagnostics. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 45.
Journal Article
52, 235202 (2019)
3D-PIC modelling of a low temperature plasma sheath with wall emission of negative particles and its application to NBI sources. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46.
Journal Article
59, 084001 (2019)
Achievement of ITER-relevant accelerated negative hydrogen ion current densities over 1000 s at the ELISE test facility. Nuclear Fusion 47.
Journal Article
90, 113304 (2019)
Formation of large negative deuterium ion beams at ELISE. Review of Scientific Instruments 48.
Journal Article
2011 (1), 060011 (2018)
Overview of the beam physics investigation at the ELISE test facility. AIP Conference Proceedings 49.
Journal Article
2052 (1), 040002 (2018)
Uniformity of the large beam of ELISE during Cs conditioning. AIP Conference Proceedings 50.
Journal Article
89, 10I139 (2018)
Neutron measurements at the ELISE neutral beam test facility and implications for neutron based diagnostics at SPIDER. Review of Scientific Instruments 51.
Journal Article
136, Pt. A, pp. 569 - 574 (2018)
Latest achievements of the negative ion beam test facility ELISE. Fusion Engineering and Design 52.
Journal Article
2052 (1), 040007 (2018)
The particle tracking code BBCNI for negative ion beams and its application to BATMAN upgrade. AIP Conference Proceedings 53.
Journal Article
89, 052102 (2018)
Deuterium results at the negative ion source test facility ELISE. Review of Scientific Instruments 54.
Journal Article
27, 125008 (2018)
Fluid-model analysis on discharge structuring in the RF-driven prototype ion-source for ITER NBI. Plasma Sources Science and Technology 55.
Journal Article
2052 (1), 040009 (2018)
Studies of Cs dynamics in large ion sources using the CsFlow3D code. AIP Conference Proceedings 56.
Journal Article
2052 (1), 040003 (2018)
Influence of external magnets and the potential rods on the plasma symmetry in the ELISE ion source. AIP Conference Proceedings 57.
Journal Article
89, 052001 (2018)
Review of particle-in-cell modeling for the extraction region of large negative hydrogen ion sources for fusion. Review of Scientific Instruments 58.
Journal Article
2052 (1), 040001 (2018)
Long pulse operation at ELISE: Approaching the ITER parameters. AIP Conference Proceedings 59.
Journal Article
60, 085007 (2018)
Initial caesium conditioning in deuterium of the ELISE negative ion source. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60.
Journal Article
1869 (1), 030037 (2017)
Beam characterization at BATMAN for variation of the Cs evaporation asymmetry and comparing two driver geometries. AIP Conference Proceedings