Publications of M. Bednarek

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Jenzsch, H.; Cardella, A.; Reich, J.; Gardebrecht, W.; Bednarek, M.; Sanchez, P.; Schrader, M.: Final design and manufacturing of the Cryolegs of the W7-X-superconducting coil support system. Fusion Engineering and Design 83 (10-12), pp. 1600 - 1604 (2008)

Poster (2)

Jenzsch, H.; Cardella, A.; Reich, J.; Gardebrecht, W.; Bednarek, M.: Final Design and Manufacture of the Cryolegs to W7-X Superconducting Coil Magnet and Support System. 8th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology (ISFNT-8), Heidelberg (2007)
Reich, J.; Cardella, A.; Nielsen, U.; Krause, R.; Kairys, R.; Jenzsch, H.; Bednarek, M.; Sobisch, G.; Voslamber, B.: Manufacture of Inter-Coil-Support-Elements of the W7-X Magnet System. 22nd Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Albuquerque, NM (2007)