Publications of A. Scarabosio
All genres
Journal Article (56)
Journal Article
55, 033015 (2015)
Assimilation of impurities during massive gas injection in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 22.
Journal Article
463, pp. 541 - 545 (2015)
Formation of the high density front in the inner far SOL at ASDEX Upgrade and JET. Journal of Nuclear Materials 23.
Journal Article
463, pp. 49 - 54 (2015)
Scaling of the divertor power spreading (S-factor) in open and closed divertor operation in JET and ASDEX Upgrade. Journal of Nuclear Materials 24.
Journal Article
56, 025010 (2014)
Electron density determination in the divertor volume of ASDEX Upgrade via Stark broadening of the Balmer lines. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 25.
Journal Article
54, 013001 (2014)
A new experimental classification of divertor detachment in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 26.
Journal Article
53, 126001 (15pp) (2013)
Technical challenges in the construction of the steady-state stellarator Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 27.
Journal Article
53, 093031 (7pp) (2013)
Scaling of the tokamak near the scrape-off layer H-mode power width and implications for ITER. Nuclear Fusion 28.
Journal Article
438, pp. S72 - S77 (2013)
Empirical scaling of inter-ELM power widths in ASDEX Upgrade and JET. Journal of Nuclear Materials 29.
Journal Article
88 (6-8), pp. 577 - 580 (2013)
Design and concept validation of the new solid tungsten divertor for ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 30.
Journal Article
438, pp. S285 - S290 (2013)
Characterization of the fluctuating detachment state in ASDEX Upgrade. Journal of Nuclear Materials 31.
Journal Article
53, 113003 (12pp) (2013)
Survey of the H-mode power threshold and transition physics studies in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 32.
Journal Article
53, 113003 (2013)
Surfey of the H-mode power threshold and transition physics studies in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 33.
Journal Article
438, pp. S426 - S430 (2013)
Outer target heat fluxes and power decay length scaling in L-mode plasmas at JET and AUG. Journal of Nuclear Materials 34.
Journal Article
55, 124039 (8pp) (2013)
Power load studies in JET and ASDEX-Upgrade with full-W divertors (invited paper). Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 35.
Journal Article
53, 104003 (9pp) (2013)
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results. Nuclear Fusion 36.
Journal Article
52, 042002 (6pp) (2012)
Improvement of ICRF antenna loading by local gas injection on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 37.
Journal Article
52, 114026 (10pp) (2012)
Electron density evolution after L-H transitions and the L-H/H-L cycle in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 38.
Journal Article
107, 215001 (4pp) (2011)
Inter-ELM Power Decay Length for JET and ASDEX Upgrade: Measurement and Comparison with Heuristic Drift-Based Model. Physical Review Letters 39.
Journal Article
51, 094012 (11pp) (2011)
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. Nuclear Fusion 40.
Journal Article
ELM characteristics and divertor loads in ASDEX Upgrade helium discharges. Supplement, pp. S877 - S880 (2011)