Publications of R. Fischer

Poster (175)

Giannone, L.; Sieglin, B.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, J. C.; McCarthy, P. J.; Schuhbeck, K. H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Real-time equilibrium reconstruction integration into the ASDEX Upgrade control system. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague (submitted)
Gonzalez-Martin, J.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Todo, Y.; Sharapov, S. E.; Dunne, M.; Igochine, V.; Fischer, R.; Oyola, P.; Sanchis-Sanchez, L.; Jacobsen, A. et al.; Ayllon-Guerola, J.; Galdon-Quiroga, J.; Rivero-Rodriguez, J.; Dominguez-Palacios, J.; Rodriguez-Ramos, M.; Dominguez-Abascal, J.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; MST1 Team: Non-Linear 3D Hybrid Kinetic-MHD Simulations of Alfvén Eigenmodes in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague (submitted)
Rittich, D.; Hopf, C.; Geiger, B.; Bock, A.; Fischer, R.; Ryter, F.; Stober, J.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Quantification of Neutral Beam Driven Current and the Effect of Radial Fast-Ion Transport in ASDEX-Upgrade. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (submitted)
Ryter, F.; Angioni, C.; Dunne, M.; Fischer, R.; Kurzan, B.; Lebschy, A.; McDermott, R. M.; Suttrop, W.; Tardini, G.; Viezzer, E. et al.; Willensdorfer, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Heat Transport Driven by the ITG and TEM Instabilities in the ASDEX-Upgrade Tokamak. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (submitted)
Valovic, M.; Lang, P. T.; Kirk, A.; Suttrop, W.; Bernert, M.; Cavedon, M.; Dunne, M.; Fischer, R.; Garzotti, L.; Guimarais, L. et al.; Janky, F.; Leuthold, N.; Mc Carthy, P. J.; Mlynek, A.; Plöckl, B.; Tardini, G.; Viezzer, E.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Shallow pellet fuelling under conditions of RMP ELM mitigation or divertor detachment in ASDEX Upgrade. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague (submitted)
Vanovac, B.; Denk, S. S.; Wolfrum, E.; Willensdorfer, M.; Suttrop, W.; Fischer, R.; Luhmann Jr., N. C.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Mode analysis limitations of ECEI & ECE measurements at the plasma edge. 20th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) (EC-20), Greifswald (submitted)
Weiland, M.; Bilato, R.; Dux, R.; Geiger, B.; Lebschy, A.; Felici, F. A. A.; Fischer, R.; Heidbrink, W.W.; Hu, W.; Rittich, D. et al.; Scheffer, M.; Sieglin, B.; Zeeland, M. A. V.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Real-Time Simulation of the NBI Fast-Ion Distribution. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (submitted)
Willensdorfer, M.; Cote, T. B.; Hegna, C. C.; Suttrop, W.; Orain, F.; Denk, S. S.; Dunne, M. G.; Fischer, R.; Giannone, L.; Ham, C. J. et al.; Kirk, A.; Ryan, D. A.; Strumberger, E.; Wang, N.; Zohm, H.; EUROfusion MST1 Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Impact of the 3D Geometry from Nonaxisymmetric Magnetic Perturbations on the Local Edge Stability in ASDEX-Upgrade. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (submitted)
Denk, S.; Fischer, R.; Decker, J.; Maj, O.; Nielsen, S. K.; Poli, E.; Stejner, M.; Stober, J.; Stroth, U.; Suttrop, W. et al.; Vanovac, B.; Westerhof, E.; Willensdorfer, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Interpretation of electron cyclotron emission with electron cyclotron radiation transport modeling. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast (submitted)
Dunne, M. G.; Potzel, S.; Reimold, F.; Wischmeier, M.; Wolfrum, E.; Frassinetti, L.; Beurskens, M.; Bilkova, P.; Cavedon, M.; Fischer, R. et al.; Kurzan, B.; Laggner, F. M.; McDermott, R. M.; Tardini, G.; Trier, E.; Viezzer, E.; Willensdorfer, M.; EUROfusion MST1 Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Overview of the impact of medium-Z impurities on the AUG pedestal structure. 16th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers (HMWS 2017), St. Petersburg (submitted)
Fischer, R.; Bock, A.; Fable, E.; Giannone, L.; Hobirk, J.; Rittich, D.; Stober, J.; Tardini, G.; Weiland, M.; Zohm, H. et al.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Validation of the ohmic, neutral beam and bootstrap currents in non-inductive scenarios at ASDEX Upgrade. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast (submitted)
Frassinetti, L.; Dunne, M. G.; Sheikh, U.; Orain, F.; Bernert, M.; Blanchard, P.; Carralero, D.; Cavedon, M.; Coda, S.; Fischer, R. et al.; Hoelzl, M.; Laggner, F.; McDermott, R. M.; Meyer, H.; Merle, A.; Theiler, C.; Verhaeg, K.; Viezzer, E.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; TCV Team; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Role of the scrape-off layer in the type I ELM dynamics in AUG and TCV. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast (submitted)
Fuchs, J. C.; Fischer, R.; Giannone, L.; Mc Carthy, P. J.; Strumberger, E.; Suttrop, W.; Willensdorfer, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: CLISTE equilibrium reconstruction in ASDEX Upgrade using toroidally distributed magnetic measurements and possible implications on the plasma position control. 11th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition, and Remote Participation for Fusion Research, Greifswald (submitted)
Giannone, L.; Bock, A.; Bilato, R.; Denk, S.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, J. C.; Geiger, B.; Gude, A.; Maraschek, M.; McCarthy, P. J. et al.; Odstrcil, T.; Rittich, D.; Schuhbeck, K. H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Comparing diamagnetic flux measurements and TRANSP simulations on ASDEX Upgrade. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast (submitted)
Illerhaus, J.; Fischer, R.; Birkenmeier, G.; Dunne, M.; Giannone, L.; Kurzan, B.; McCarthy, P.; Willensdorfer, M.; Stroth, U.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Estimation, Validation and Uncertainty of the Position of the Separatrix Contour at ASDEX Upgrade. 82. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP, Erlangen (submitted)
Lang, P. T.; Wolfrum, E.; Blanken, T. C.; Dunne, M. G.; Felici, F.; Fischer, R.; Janky, F.; Kallenbach, A.; Kardaun, O.; Kudlacek, O. et al.; Mertens, V.; Mlynek, A.; Plöckl, B.; Treutterer, W.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Feedback controlled long-sustained operation in the high core density H-mode scenario. 16th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers (HMWS 2017), St. Petersburg (submitted)
Lebschy, A.; McDermott, R. M.; Angioni, C.; Bruhn, C.; Cavedon, M.; Conway, G. D.; Geiger, B.; Dunne, M. G.; Dux, R.; Fischer, R. et al.; Kappatou, A.; Pütterich, T.; Prisiazhniuk, D.; Ryter, F.; Stroth, U.; Viezzer, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Characterization of the core poloidal flow structure at ASDEX Upgrade. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast (submitted)
McCarthy, P. J.; Giannone, L.; Dunne, M.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, J. C.; Schuhbeck, K. H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Time-dependent ELM-resolved equilibrium reconstruction on ASDEX Upgrade. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast (submitted)
Schneider, P.; Bustos, A.; Hennequin, P.; Ryter, F.; Bernert, M.; Cavedon, M.; Dunne, M.; Fischer, R.; Görler, T.; Happel, T. et al.; Igochine, V.; Kurzan, B.; Lebschy, A.; McDermott, R. M.; Morel, P.; Willensdorfer, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Explaining the isotope effect on heat transport in L-mode with the collisional electron-ion energy exchange. 22nd US/EU Transport Task Force Meeting (TTF 2017), Williamsburg, VA (submitted)
Trier, E.; Wolfrum, E.; Willensdorfer, M.; Yu, Q.; Ryter, F.; Angioni, C.; Bernert, M.; Denk, S.; Dunne, M. G.; Fable, E. et al.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, J. C.; Hennequin, P.; Jacobsen, A. S.; Kurzan, B.; Laggner, F. M.; Maraschek, M.; Mink, F.; Mlynek, A.; Schneider, P. A.; Stroth, U.; Tardini, G.; Viezzer, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Characterization of the core ELM-induced cold pulses propagation in ASDEX Upgrade structure at ASDEX Upgrade. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast (submitted)
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