Publikationen von Yu. A. Turkin

Konferenzbeitrag (58)

Dinklage, A.; Beidler, C. D.; Fischer, R.; Maaßberg, H.; Svensson, J.; Turkin, Y. A.: Integrated Interpretative Transport Modelling. In: 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, O-2.03 (Hg. Norreys, P.; Hutchinson, H.). 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, London, 28. Juni 2004 - 02. Juli 2004. European Physical Society, Geneva (2004)
Marushchenko, N. B.; Maaßberg, H.; Geiger, J.; Hartfuß, H.; Turkin, Y. A.: Analysis of ECCD scenarios for the W7-X Stellarator by high-field-side ECE measurements. In: 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P-1.204 (Hg. Norreys, P.; Hutchinson, H.). 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, London, 28. Juni 2004 - 02. Juli 2004. European Physical Society, Geneva (2004)
Marushchenko, N. B.; Maaßberg, H.; Geiger, J.; Hartfuß, H.; Turkin, Y. A.: Analysis of ECRH and ECCD Scenarios for the W7-X Stellarator by high-field-side ECE measurements. In: 31st EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, P-1.204. 31st EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, London (GB), 28. Juni 2004 - 02. Juli 2004. European Physical Society, Geneva (2004)
Schmidt, M.; Turkin, Y.; Werner, A.: "Advanced" - δf Monte Carlo Simulation of NBI current drive in W7-X. In: 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P-1.200 (Hg. Norreys, P.; Hutchinson, H.). 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, London, 28. Juni 2004 - 02. Juli 2004. European Physical Society, Geneva (2004)
Turkin, Y.; Maaßberg, H.; Beidler, C. D.; Geiger, J.; Marushchenko, N. B.: Predictive transport modeling for the W7-X. In: 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P-1.198 (Hg. Norreys, P.; Hutchinson, H.). 31st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, London, 28. Juni 2004 - 02. Juli 2004. European Physical Society, Geneva (2004)
Wobig, H.; Andreeva, T.; Beidler, C. D.; Harmeyer, E.; Herrnegger, F.; Igitkhanov, Y.; Kisslinger, J.; Kolesnichenko, Y. I.; Lutsenko, V. V.; Marchenko, V. S. et al.; Nührenberg, C.; Turkin, Y.; Wieczorek, A.; Yakovenko, Y. V.: Recent development in Helias reactor studies. In: Fusion Energy 2002, FT/1-6. 19th Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon (FR), 14. Oktober 2002 - 19. Oktober 2002. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2003)
Beidler, C. D.; Harmeyer, E.; Herrnegger, F.; Kisslinger, J.; Kolesnichenko, Y. I.; Lutsenko, V. V.; Marchenko, V. S.; Nührenberg, C.; Sidorenko, I.; Turkin, Y. et al.; Wobig, H.; Yakovenko, Y. V.: Recent Development in Helias Reactor Studies. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Stellarator Workshop. 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, 25. Februar 2002 - 01. März 2002. Plasma Physics Princeton Lab., Princeton (2002)
Igitkhanov, Y.; Turkin, Y.; Wobig, H.; Andreeva, T.; Beidler, C. D.; Castejon, F.; Geiger, J.; Kisslinger, J.; Maaßberg, H.; Mikkelsen, D. R. et al.; Yamazaki, K.: 1-D predictive and analysis transport model for particle and energy transport in stellarators. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Stellarator Workshop, OIV.3. 13th International Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, 25. Februar 2002 - 01. März 2002. Plasma Physics Princeton Lab., Princeton (2002)

Vortrag (101)

Weir, G. M.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Alcuson, J. A.; Fuchert, G.; Grulke, O.; Hirsch, M.; Langenberg, A.; Lazerson, S. A.; Mendes, S. v.; Pablant, N. A. et al.; Pasch, E.; Proll, J. H.; Rahbarnia, K.; Stange, T.; Thomsen, H.; Turkin, Y.; Windisch, T.; Zhang, D.; Klinger, T.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Heat pulse propagation measurements and experiments with equal electron- and ion-scale turbulence drive on the optimized stellarator Wendelstein 7-X. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Denver, CO (eingereicht)
Dinklage, A.; Andreeva, T.; Geiger, J.; Neuner, U.; Smith, H. M.; Rahbarnia, K.; Alonso, A.; Beidler, C. D.; Estrada, T.; Fornal, T. et al.; Fuchert, G.; Gao, Y.; Guerrero, J.; Hirsch, M.; Höfel, U.; Knieps, A.; Krämer-Flecken, A.; Kubkowska, M.; Pasch, E.; Pavone, A.; Pablant, N.; Schmitt, J.; Suzuki, Y.; Thomsen, H.; Turkin, Y.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: The effect of magnetic islands on the bootstrap current in Wendelstein 7-X. 23rd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2022), Warsaw (eingereicht)
Stange, T.; Brunner, K.-J.; Laqua, H. P.; Lechte, C.; Marsen, S.; Plaum, B.; Bräuer, T.; Dhard, C. P.; Endler, M.; Grigore, E. et al.; Marushchenko, N.; Naujoks, D.; Turkin, Y.; Wolf, R.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Triple-Beampath-scenario for O2-heating at Wendelstein 7-X: experience of OP1.2 and final improvements for OP2. 21st Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission (ECE) and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) (EC-20), Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (eingereicht)
Zanini, M.; Aleynikova, K.; Buttenschön, B.; Brandt, C.; Braune, H.; Brunner, K. J.; Dinklage, A.; Gao, Y.; Hirsch, M.; Höfel, U. et al.; Knauer, J.; Laqua, H. P.; Marsen, S.; Marushchenko, N.; Pavone, A.; Rahbarnia, K.; Schilling, J.; Stange, T.; Strumberger, E.; Thomsen, H.; Turkin, Y.; Wolf, R. C.; Yu, Q.; Zocco, A.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Sawtooth-like crashes at W7-X. 23rd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop (ISHW 2022), Warsaw (eingereicht)
Aleynikova, K.; Hudson, S.; Helander, P.; Geiger, J.; Kumar, A.; Loizu, J.; Nührenberg, C.; Rahbarnia, K.; Qu, Z.; Gao, Y. et al.; Thomsen, H.; Turkin, Y.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Model for current drive induced crash cycles in W7-X. 2021 MPPC Annual Meeting (Max-Planck Princeton Center), Virtual (2021)
Beurskens, M. N. A.; Bozhenkov, S.; Fable, E.; Fuchert, G.; Ford, O.; Reisner, M.; Scott, E. R.; Stechow, A. v.; Stober, J.; Turkin, Y. et al.; Weir, G.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Alcuson, J. A.; Angioni, C.; Baldzuhn, J.; Beidler, C.; Birkenmeier, G.; Burhenn, R.; Dinklage, A.; Geiger, B.; Grulke, O.; Hirsch, M.; Jakubowski, M.; Laqua, H.; Lazerson, S.; Schneider, P.; Stange, T.; Stroth, U.; Warmer, F.; Wegner, T.; Zhang, D.; Wolf, R. C.; Zohm, H.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Combatting turbulent transport in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator; a comparison to the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. 4th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP 2020), Virtual (eingereicht)
Beurskens, M. N. A.; Bozhenkov, S.; Fable, E.; Fuchert, G.; Ford, O.; Reisner, M.; Scott, E.; Stechow, A. v.; Stober, J.; Turkin, Y. et al.; Weir, G.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Alcuson, J.; Angioni, C.; Baldzuhn, J.; Beidler, C. D.; Birkenmeier, G.; Burhenn, R.; Dinklage, A.; Grulke, O.; Hirsch, M.; Jakubowski, M.; Laqua, H.; Lazerson, S.; Schneider, P. A.; Stange, T.; Stroth, U.; Warmer, F.; Wegner, T.; Zhang, D.; Wolf, R. C.; Zohm, H.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Confinement in Electron Heated Plasmas in Wendelstein 7-X and ASDEX-Upgrade: The Necessity to Control Turbulent Transport. 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2020), Virtual (eingereicht)
Endler, M.; Baldzuhn, J.; Beidler, C. D.; Bosch, H.-S.; Bozhenkov, S.; Buttenschön, B.; Dinklage, A.; Fellinger, J.; Feng, Y.; Fuchert, G. et al.; Gao, Y.; Geiger, J.; Grulke, O.; Hartmann, D.; Jakubowski, M.; König, R.; Laqua, H. P.; Lazerson, S.; McNeely, P.; Naujoks, D.; Neuner, U.; Otte, M.; Pasch, E.; Pedersen, T. S.; Perseo, V.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Rahbarnia, K.; Rust, N.; Schmitz, O.; Spring, A.; Stange, T.; Stechow, A. v.; Turkin, Y.; Wang, E.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Wendelstein 7-X on the path to long-pulse high-performance operation. 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2020), Virtual Edition (eingereicht)
Ford, O. P.; Beurskens, M.; Bozhenkov, S.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Lazerson, S.; Alcuson, J.; Alonso, A.; Beidler, C.; Dinklage, A.; Fuchert, G. et al.; Hartmann, D.; McNeely, P.; Hirsch, M.; Laqua, H.; Stange, T.; Stechow, A. v.; Turkin, Y.; Vano, L.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Turbulence reduced high performance scenarios in Wendelstein 7-X, on the path to a steady-state reactor. 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual (eingereicht)
Lobsien, J.-F.; Drevlak, M.; Nührenberg, C.; Smith, H. M.; Turkin, Y.; Zhu, C.; Maurer, M.; Pedersen, T. S.: Stochastic Stellarator Coil Optimization. 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Virtual Edition (eingereicht)
Alonso, J. A.; Baldzuhn, J.; Brandt, C.; Beidler, C. D.; Bozhenkov, S.; Brunner, K. J.; Burhenn, R.; Calvo, I.; Carralero, D.; Chaudhary, N. et al.; Damm, H.; Dinklage, A.; Estrada, T.; Ford, O.; Fornal, T.; Fuchert, G.; Garcia-Regana, J. M.; Geiger, J.; Hirsch, M.; Höfel, U.; Knauer, J.; Kubkowska, M.; Langenberg, A.; Mollen, A.; Neuner, U.; Oosterbeek, J. W.; Pablant, N.A.; Pasch, E.; Rahbarnia, K.; Sanchez, E.; Schilling, J.; Smith, H. M.; Thomsen, H.; Turkin, Y.; Vano, L.; Velasco, J. L.; Windisch, T.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Understanding ion and impurity flows in the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan (eingereicht)
Bozhenkov, S. A.; Beurskens, M. N. A.; Ford, O.; Kazakov, Y.; Alonso, J. A.; Alcuson, J.; Baldzuhn, J.; Brunner, K. J.; Damm, H.; Fuchert, G. et al.; Geiger, J.; Hirsch, M.; Höfel, U.; Knauer, J.; Langenberg, A.; Laqua, H. P.; Marushchenko, N. B.; Pablant, N.; Pasch, E.; Rahbarnia, K.; Scott, E. R.; Stange, T.; Stechow, A. v.; Turkin, Y.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Zhang, D.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Evidence of Turbulence-Induced Ion Temperature Limitations in Wendelstein 7-X. 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Fort Lauderdale, FL (eingereicht)
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