Publications of G. D. Conway
All genres
Conference Paper (139)
Conference Paper
Inter-ELM Fluctuations and Flows and their evolution when approaching the density limit in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. In: 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.167. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast, June 26, 2017 - June 30, 2017. European Physical Society, Geneva (2017)
Conference Paper
Enhanced radial velocity and damping rate of Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the presence of a temperature gradient. In: 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.160. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast, June 26, 2017 - June 30, 2017. European Physical Society, Geneva (2017)
Conference Paper
Modelling of the power response in Doppler reflectometry. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW13). 13th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW13), Daejeon, May 10, 2017 - May 12, 2017. (2017)
Conference Paper
Measurement of the turbulent phase velocity in the L-mode edge of ASDEX Upgrade and comparison with GEMR simulations. In: 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.173. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast, June 26, 2017 - June 30, 2017. European Physical Society, Geneva (2017)
Conference Paper
Application of 2D full-wave simulations to study plasma turbulence with conventional reflectometry. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW13). 13th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW13), Daejeon, May 10, 2017 - May 12, 2017. (2017)
Conference Paper
Cross-phase measurements of turbulent density and electron temperature fluctuations for transport model validation in fusion plasmas. In: 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.182. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast, June 26, 2017 - June 30, 2017. European Physical Society, Geneva (2017)
Conference Paper
Measurement of turbulent electron temperature fluctuations on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak using correlated Electron Cyclotron Emission. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.024 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Poloidal asymmetries in the edge density profiles on ASDEX-Upgrade. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.018 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Measurement of the ExB velocity across the LOC-SOC transition. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.029 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Density profile and turbulence evolution during L-H transition studied with the Ultra-fast swept reflectometer on ASDEX Upgrade. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.032 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
A new mechanism causing strong decay of geodesic acoustic modes: combined action of phase-mixing and Landau damping. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.046 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Characterization of the turbulence during LOC-SOC transition using Poloidal Correlation Reflectometry at ASDEX Upgrade. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.036 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Relationship between divertor collisionality and filament activity measured with reflectometry at ASDEX Upgrade. In: 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.030 (Ed. Mantica, P.). 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, July 04, 2016 - July 08, 2016. European Physical Society, Geneva (2016)
Conference Paper
Suttrop, W.; Atzeni, S.; Foest, R.; McClements, K. et al.). 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon, June 22, 2015 - June 26, 2015. European Physical Society, Geneva (2015)
Characterisation of Pulsations Close to the L-H Transition in AUG. In: 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.125 (Eds. Bingham, R.; 235.
Conference Paper
Assessment of Doppler reflectometry accuracy using full-wave codes with comparison to beam-tracing and analytic expressions. In: 12th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW 12). 12th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW 12), Jülich, May 18, 2015 - May 20, 2015. Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich (2015)
Conference Paper
Design, laboratory characterization and installation of the multichannel reflectometer's transmission lines at ICRF antenna in Asdex Upgrade. In: Proceedings of Science, 067. 1st EPS Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD), Frascati, April 14, 2015 - April 17, 2015. (2015)
Conference Paper
Development progress of a Correlation ECE and n-T phase angle dianostic for AUG. In: 12th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW 12). 12th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW 12), Jülich, May 18, 2015 - May 20, 2015. Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich (2015)
Conference Paper
Suttrop, W.; Atzeni, S.; Foest, R.; McClements, K. et al.). 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon, June 22, 2015 - June 26, 2015. European Physical Society, Geneva (2015)
LFS/HFS edge density profile dynamics on ASDEX-Upgrade. In: 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.111 (Eds. Bingham, R.; 239.
Conference Paper
Density fluctuations measurements with an ultra-fast-swept reflectometer in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 12th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW 12). 12th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW 12), Jülich, May 18, 2015 - May 20, 2015. Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich (2015)
Conference Paper
Suttrop, W.; Atzeni, S.; Foest, R.; McClements, K. et al.). 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon, June 22, 2015 - June 26, 2015. European Physical Society, Geneva (2015)
Dependence of poloidal asymmetries of the edge turbulence on the magnetic configurations in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.110 (Eds. Bingham, R.;