Publications of B. Kurzan

Talk (54)

Lunt, T.; Frerichs, H.; Bernert, M.; Brida, D.; Carralero, D.; Cavedon, M.; David, P.; Drenik, A.; Faitsch, M.; Feng, Y. et al.; Griener, M.; Herrmann, A.; Kurzan, B.; Pan, O.; Plank, U.; Silvagni, D.; Willensdorfer, M.; Wischmeier, M.; Wolfrum, E.; EUROfusion MST1 Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; ASDEX: Alternative Divertor Configurations in the future upper divertor of ASDEX Upgrade. 24th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI 24) (virtual), Jeju (submitted)
Schneider, P. A.; Bonanomi, N.; Angioni, C.; Cavedon, M.; Dunne, M. G.; Hennequin, P.; Hobirk, J.; Kurzan, B.; McDermott, R. M.; Pütterich, T. et al.; Ryter, F.; Willensdorfer, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Investigation of core transport properties with different isotope masses for matched edge conditions. 24th Joint US-EU Transport Task Force Meeting (TTF 2019), Austin, TX (submitted)
Sun, H. J.; Wolfrum, E.; Eich, T.; Kurzan, B.; Kallenbach, A.; Scarabosio, A.; Stroth, U.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Correlation of the near SOL transport with plasma properties of the confined edge region in ASDEX Upgrade. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague (submitted)
Harrer, G. F.; Wolfrum, E.; Stober, J.; Sauter, O.; Lang, P.; Birkenmeier, G.; Kurzan, B.; Fischer, R.; Meyer, H.; Laggner, F. M. et al.; Mink, F.; Aumayr, F.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Dependence of small ELMs on plasma parameters. 16th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers (HMWS 2017), St. Petersburg (submitted)
Dunne, M. G.; Frassinetti, L.; Potzel, S.; Reimold, F.; Viezzer, E.; Wischmeier, M.; Wolfrum, E.; Bernert, M.; Beurskens, M. N. A.; Cavedon, M. et al.; Fischer, R.; Kurzan, B.; Laggner, F. M.; McDermott, R. M.; Tardini, G.; Willensdorfer, M.; EUROfusion MST1 Team; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: The role of the density profile in the ASDEX-Upgrade pedestal structure. 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven (submitted)
Dunne, M.; Frassinetti, L.; Potzel, S.; Reimold, F.; Wischmeier, M.; Wolfrum, E.; Bernert, M.; Beurskens, M.; Cavedon, M.; Fable, E. et al.; Fischer, R.; Kurzan, B.; Laggner, F.; McDermott, R.; Tardini, G.; Willensdorfer, M.: The Role of the Density Profile Location on Pedestal Stability in ASDEX Upgrade. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016), Kyoto (submitted)
Ryter, F.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, C. J.; Happel, T.; Kurzan, B.; McCarthy, P.; McDermott, R. M.; Suttrop, W.; Viezzer, E.; Willensdorfer, M. et al.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: I-mode results at ASDEX Upgrade: L-I transition and confinement. 16th ITPA Transport and Confinement Topical Group Meeting (ITPA T&C Meeting), Ahmedabad (2016)
Schneider, P. A.; Bustos, A.; Hennequin, P.; Ryter, F.; Bernert, M.; Cavedon, M.; Dunne, M. G.; Fischer, R.; Görler, T.; Happel, T. et al.; Igochine, V.; Kurzan, B.; McDermott, R.; Morel, P.; Willensdorfer, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team: Isotope effect on confinement unraveled for L-mode in dimensionless ρ* scan. 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven (submitted)
Fischer, R.; Bock, A.; Denk, S.; Dunne, M.; Fuchs, J. C.; Giannone, L.; Kurzan, B.; Lackner, K.; McCarthy, P. J.; Mlynek, A. et al.; Preuss, R.; Rampp, M.; Stroth, U.; Weiland, M.; Willensdorfer, M.; Wolfrum, E.; Zehrfeld, H.-P.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Recent developments of Integrated Data Analysis at ASDEX Upgrade: Kinetic profiles, current diffusion and equilibrium. 1st IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Nice (2015)
Ryter, F.; Cavedon, M.; McDermott, R. M.; Pütterich, T.; Willensdorfer, M.; Fischer, R.; Kurzan, B.; Tardini, G.; Viezzer, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Key role of edge ion heat flux and neoclassical radial electric field in the L-H transition physics. 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon (submitted)
Ryter, F.; Fischer, R.; Fuchs, J. C.; Happel, T.; McDermott, R. M.; Viezzer, E.; Kurzan, B.; Pütterich, T.; Suttrop, W.; Willensdorfer, M. et al.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: I-mode studies at ASDEX Upgrade: L-I and I-H transitions, confinement and pedestal properties. 15th International Workshop on H-Mode and Transport Barrier Physics, Garching (submitted)
Casali, L.; Bernert, M.; Dux, R.; Fischer, R.; Kallenbach, A.; Kardaun, O.; Kurzan, B.; Lang, P.; Mlynek, A.; McDermott, R. et al.; Ryter, F.; Sertoli, M.; Tardini, G.; Zohm, H.: Transport analysis of high radiation and high density plasmas at ASDEX Upgrade. 78. DPG-Jahrestagung und Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP, Berlin (2014)
Doerk, H.; Dunne, M.; Görler, T.; Hatch, D. R.; Jenko, F.; Kurzan, B.; Navarro , A.; McDermott, R.; Pueschel, M. J.; Ryter, F. et al.; Told, D.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Beta scaling of confinement in fusion plasmas – A gyrokinetic perspective. U.S. Transport Task Force Workshop (TTF 2014), San Antonio, TX (2014)
Schneider, P. A.; Burckhart, A.; Dunne, M. G.; Gude, A.; Kurzan, B.; Pütterich, T.; Rathgeber, S. K.; Suttrop, W.; Viezzer, E.; Wolfrum, E. et al.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Pedestal and ELM characteristics across first wall materials and nitrogen seeding. 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin (submitted)
Wolfrum, E.; Burckhart, A.; Dunne, M. G.; Schneider, P. A.; Willensdorfer, M.; Fable, E.; Fischer, R.; Hatch, D.; Jenko, F.; Kurzan, B. et al.; Viezzer, E.; Rathgeber, S. K.; Manz, P.: Overview of Recent Pedestal Studies at ASDEX Upgrade. 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2014), Saint Petersburg (submitted)
Casali, L.; Bernert, M.; Dux, R.; Fischer, R.; Kallenbach, A.; Kurzan, B.; Lang, P.; Mlynek, A.; McDermott, R. M.; Ryter, F. et al.; Sertoli, M.; Tardini, G.; Zohm, H.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Transport analysis of high radiation and high density plasmas in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. 3rd European Energy Conference (E2C 2013), Budapest (2013)
Garcia-Munoz, M.; Geiger, B.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Dux, R.; Evans, T. E.; Ferraro, N. M.; Fietz, S.; Fuchs, C.; Kurzan, B.; Lazanyi, N. et al.; McDermott, R. M.; Rodriguez-Ramos, M.; Shinohara, K.; Strumberger, E.; Suttrop, W.; Van Zeeland, M. A.; Viezzer, E.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Fast Ion response to externally applied resonant magnetic perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. 13th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confinement Systems (IAEA-TM EP), Beijing (2013)
Garcia-Munoz, M.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Asunta, O.; Boom, J.; Classen, I. G. J.; Dux, R.; Evans, T. E.; Ferraro, N.; Fietz, S.; Fuchs, C. et al.; Geiger, B.; Hölzl, M.; Kurki-Suonio, T.; Kurzan, B.; Lazanyi, N.; McDermott, R. M.; Nocente, M.; Rodriguez-Ramos, M.; Shinohara, K.; Suttrop, W.; Van Zeeland, M. A.; Viezzer, E.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Fast-ion losses induced by ELMs and externally applied magnetic perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo (2013)
Hobirk, J.; Challis, C. D.; Baranov, Y.; Barrera Orte, L.; Baruzzo, M.; Bernert, M.; Beurskens, M.; Coenen, J. W.; Fable, E.; Fischer, R. et al.; Frasinetti, L.; Fuchs, C.; Gude, A.; Hawkes, N. C.; Hender, T. C.; Igochine, V.; Joffrin, E.; Kurzan, B.; Mailloux, J.; Maraschek, M.; Mc Dermott, R. M.; Schweinzer, J.; Sieglin, B.; Sips, A. C. C.; Voitsekhovitch, I.; ASDEX Upgrade Team; JET EFDA Contributors: Development of hybrid scenario in a full metallic wall towards ITER SSO. 7th IAEA Technical Meeting on Steady State Operation of Magnetic Fusion Devices, Aix en Provence (2013)
Garcia-Munoz, M.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Asunta, O.; Boom, J.; Classen, I. G. J.; Dux, R.; Ferraro, N.; Fuchs, C.; Geiger, B.; Hölzl, M. et al.; Kurzan, B.; Lazanyi, N.; McDermott, R. M.; Nocente, M.; Rodriguez-Ramos, M.; Suttrop, W.; Van Zeeland, M. A.; Viezzer, E.; Wolfrum, E.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Fast-ion dynamics induced by 3D edge perturbations, ELMs and MPs, in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. 531st Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar "3D versus 2D in Hot Plasmas", Bad Honnef (2013)
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