Publications of A. von Keudell

Journal Article (49)

Journal Article
Groudeva-Zotova, S.; Jacob, W.; Keudell, A. v.: Secondary electron emission coefficient of C:H and Si:C thin films and some relations to their morphology and composition. Diamond and Related Materials 5 (10), pp. 1087 - 1095 (1996)
Journal Article
Keudell, A. v.; Jacob, W.: Growth and erosion of hydrocarbon films investigated by in situ ellipsometry. Journal of Applied Physics 79 (2), pp. 1092 - 1098 (1996)
Journal Article
Fukarek, W.; Keudell, A. v.: A novel setup for spectroscopic ellipsometry using an acousto‐optic tuneable filter. Review of Scientific Instruments 66 (6), pp. 3545 - 3550 (1995)
Journal Article
Keudell, A. v.; Jacob, W.; Fukarek, W.: Role of hydrogen ions in plasma‐enhanced chemical vapor deposition of hydrocarbon films, investigated by in situ ellipsometry. Applied Physics Letters 66 (11), pp. 1322 - 1324 (1995)
Journal Article
Möller, W.; Fukarek, W.; Lange, K.; Keudell, A. v.; Jacob, W.: Mechanisms of the Deposition of Hydrogenated Carbon Films. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1: Regular Papers, Short Notes & Review Papers 34 (4B), pp. 2163 - 2171 (1995)
Journal Article
Keudell, A. v.; Möller, W.: A combined plasma‐surface model for the deposition of C:H films from a methane plasma. Journal of Applied Physics 75 (12), pp. 7718 - 7727 (1994)
Journal Article
Hytry, R.; Möller, W.; Wilhelm, R.; Keudell, A. v.: Moving‐coil waveguide discharge for inner coating of metal tubes. Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum Surfaces and Films 11 (5), pp. 2508 - 2517 (1993)
Journal Article
Keudell, A. v.; Möller, W.; Hytry, R.: Deposition of dense C:H films at elevated substrate temperature. Diamond and Related Materials 2 (2-4), pp. 251 - 254 (1993)
Journal Article
Keudell, A. v.; Möller, W.; Hytry, R.: Deposition of dense hydrocarbon films from a nonbiased microwave plasma. Applied Physics Letters 62 (9), pp. 937 - 939 (1993)

Book Chapter (2)

Book Chapter
Jacob, W.; Hopf, C.; von Keudell, A.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.: Surface Loss Probabilities of Hydrocarbon Radicals on Amorphous Hydrogenated Carbon Film Surfaces: Consequences for the Formation of Re-Deposited Layers in Fusion Experiments. In: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Hydrogen Recycling at Plasma Facing Materials", St. Petersburg 1999, pp. 331 - 337 (Ed. Wu, C.H.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (2000)
Book Chapter
Keudell, A. v.: The role of ions the deposition of hydrocarbon films, investigated by in situ ellipsometry. In: Film Synthesis and Growth using Energetic Beams, pp. 355 - 366 (Eds. Atwater, H.; Dickinson, J.; Lowndes, D.) (1995)

Conference Paper (7)

Conference Paper
Mayer, M.; von Keudell, A.; Rohde, V.; Coad, P.: Mechanism of Hydrocarbon Layer Formation in Remote Areas of Fusion Devices. In: 30th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, O-2.6A (Eds. Koch, R.; Lebedev, S.). 30th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, St. Petersburg (RU), July 07, 2003 - July 11, 2003. European Physical Society, Geneva (2003)
Conference Paper
Meier, M.; von Keudell, A.: Assessment of Ion Surface Scattering (ISS) as in-situ real-time diagnostic tool in low temperature plasmas. In: Workshop Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics V, pp. 126 - 129 (Eds. DeBenedictis, S.; Dilecce, G.). Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics V, Specchia (IT), April 03, 2003 - April 07, 2003. Organizing Comittee Workshop FLTPDV-Bari-Italy, Specchia (2003)
Conference Paper
Meier, M.; von Keudell, A.: Formation of Polymer-Like Hydrocarbon Films from Radical Beams of Methyl and Atomic Hydrogen. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, pp. 239 - 244 (Ed. Bouchoule, A.). 15th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Orleans, 2001. CNRS (2001)
Conference Paper
von Keudell, A.; Meier, M.; Hopf, C.: Fundamental Growth Mechanisms during PECVD of Carbon Thin Films. 13th International Colloquium on Plasma Processes, Antibes, June 10, 2001 - June 14, 2001. CIP'2001 proceedings, pp. 137 - 141 (2001)
Conference Paper
Keudell, A. v.: Surface Mechanism during Growth of a-Si:H Films from Low Temperature Plasmas. In: 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, pp. 1263 - 1265 (Ed. Kopecky, M. H. /. M. K. /. V.). 14th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Prague (CZ), August 02, 1999 - August 06, 1999. (1999)
Conference Paper
Von Keudell, A.; Atwater, H.A.; Dickinson, J.T.; Lowndes, D.H.; et al.: The Role of Ions for the Deposition of Hydrocarbon Films, Investigated by In-Situ Ellipsometry. MRS 1995 Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA(US). Film Synthesis and Growth Using Energetic Beams Vol. 388, pp. 355 - 366 (1995)
Conference Paper
Moeller, W.; Keudell, A. v.; Engelhardt, M.: Simultaneous Plasma and Surface Modeling of the Deposition of Hydrogenated Carbon Films from Methane. In: 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry. Symposium Proceedings, pp. 1662 - 1667 (Ed. Harry, J. E.). 11th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 11), Loughborough, August 22, 1993 - August 27, 1993. (1993)

Talk (6)

Jacob, W.; Bauer, M.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; von Keudell, A.: Growth precursors for amorphous hydrogenated carbon films. 6th Workshop on Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Les Houches (2005)
Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Bauer, M.; Jacob, W.; von Keudell, A.: Wachstumsspezies bei der plasmagestützten Abscheidung amorpher, wasserstoffhaltiger Kohlenstoffschichten. 12. Erfahrungsaustausch Oberflächentechnologie mit Plasma- und Ionenstrahlprozessen, Mühlleithen (2005)
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