Publications of K. Förster

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Behler, K.; Blank, H.; Buhler, A.; Drube, R.; Förster, K.; Merkel, R.; Raupp, G.; Reuter, H.; Zilker, M.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Recent Developments in the ASDEX Upgrade Data Acquisition Environment. Fusion Engineering and Design 48, pp. 171 - 178 (2000)

Conference Paper (5)

Conference Paper
Behler, K.; Blank, H.; Buhler, A.; Drube, R.; Friedrich, H.; Foerster, K.; Hallatschek, K.; Heimann, P.; Hertweck, F.; Maier, J. et al.: Review of the ASDEX Upgrade Data Acquisition Environment - Present Operation and Future Requirements. Workshop on Data Acquisition and Management for Fusion Research, Garching (DE). Fusion Engineering and Design 43, pp. 247 - 258 (1999)
Conference Paper
Raupp, G.; Bruhns, H.; Foerster, K.; Hertweck, F.; Huber, R.; Juelich, A.; Neu, G.; Richter, H.; Schneider, U.; Streibl, B. et al.: ASDEX-Upgrade Discharge Control and Shot Management. In: Fusion Technology 1992: Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology, pp. 1072 - 1076 (Eds. Ferro, C.; Gasparotto, M.; Knoepfl, H.). 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1992), Rome (IT), September 14, 1992 - September 18, 1992. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1993)
Conference Paper
Richter, H.; Cole, R.; Fitzek, M.; Foerster, K.; Neu, G.; Raupp, G.; Woyke, W.; Zasche, D.: Overview of the ASDEX-Upgrade Experiment Management Software. In: Fusion Technology 1992: Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology, pp. 1077 - 1081 (Eds. Ferro, C.; Gasparotto, M.; Knoepfl, H.). 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1992), Rome (IT), September 14, 1992 - September 18, 1992. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1993)
Conference Paper
Schneider, U.; Foerster, K.: The ASDEX Upgrade Shot Program Editor. In: Proc. of the 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Vol. 2, pp. 1082 - 1085 (Eds. Ferro, C.; Gasparotto, M.; Knoepfel, H.). Proc. of the 17th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Vol. 2, Amsterdam Rome (IT). North-Holland Publ. (1993)
Conference Paper
Zasche, D.; Bruhns, H.; Cole, R.; Foerster, K.; Huber, R.; Lueddecke, K.; Juelich, A.; Neu, G.; Raupp, G.; Richter, H. et al.: Tokamak Discharges Description at ASDEX-Upgrade. In: Conference Record of the 8th Conference on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear. Particle and Plasma Physics, pp. 264 - 266 (Eds. Axen, D.; Poutissoe, R.). 8th Conference on Real-Time Computer Applications in Nuclear, Particle and Plasma Physics, Vancouver (CA), June 08, 1993 - June 11, 1993. Tri-University Meson Facility, Vancouver, British Columbia (1993)