Publications of C. Angioni

Poster (164)

McDermott, R. M.; Angioni, C.; Dux, R.; Pütterich, T.; Ryter, F.; Tardini, G.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Core Toroidal Rotation Changes Observed with ECRH Power in NBI Heated Plasmas on ASDEX Upgrade. 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin (2010)
Sertoli, M.; Dux, R.; Angioni, C.; Neu, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Local Effects of ECRH on Argon Transport in L-Mode Discharges at ASDEX Upgrade. 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin (2010)
Hein, T.; Angioni, C.: Electromagnetic effects on impurity transport in tokamak plasmas. 13th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC), Riga (2009)
Valisa, M.; Angioni, C.; Carraro, L.; Coffey, I.; Giroud, C.; Predebon, I.; Puiatti, M. E.; Lauro Taroni, L.; Alper, B.; Van Eester, D. et al.; Lerche, E.; Naulin, V.; Tala, T.; Tsala, M.; JET-EFDA Contributors: Radio-frequency power injection and impurity profile control in JET. 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia (2009)
Maggi, C. F.; Groebner, R. J.; Angioni, C.; Candy, J.; Konz, C.; Leonard, A. W.; Hein, T.; Horton, L. D.; Petty, C. C.; Sips, A. C. C. et al.; Waltz, R.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: The role of the H-mode pedestal on global confinement in hybrid scenarios in DIII-D and ASDEX Upgrade. 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Hersonissos, Crete (2008)
Vermare, L.; Angioni, C.; Bottino, A.; Peeters, A. G.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: β dependence of micro-instabilities using linear gyrokinetic simulations. 11th IAEA TM on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers, Tsukuba (2007)
Fable, E.; Angioni, C.; Bottino, A.; Brunner, S.; Dannert, T.; Jenko, F.; Sauter, O.: The role of electron-driven microinstabilities in particle transport observed during electron Internal Transport Barriers. 34th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Warsaw (2007)
Jacchia, A.; Angioni, C.; Cirant, S.; De Luca, F.; Manini, A.; Mantica, P.; Ryter, F.; Apostoliceanu, M.; Conway, G.; Fahrbach, H.-U. et al.; Kirov, K. K.; Leuterer, F.; Reich, M.; Suttrop, W.; Weiland, J.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Electron Heat Transport Studies Using Transient Phenomena in ASDEX Upgrade. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura (2004)
Peeters, A. G.; Angioni, C.; Apostoliceanu, M.; Pereverzev, G. V.; Ryter, F.; Strintzi, D.; Quigley, E.; Jenko, F.; Fahrbach, U.; Fuchs, C. et al.; Gehre, O.; Hobirk, J.; Kurzan, B.; Maggi, C. F.; Manini, A.; McCarthy, P. J.; Meister, H.; Schweinzer, J.; Stober, J.; Suttrop, W.; Tardini, G.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Understanding of the density profile shape, electron heat transport and internal barriers observed in ASDEX Upgrade. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura (2004)
Weisen, H.; Angioni, C.; Bortolon, A.; Bourdelle, C.; Carraro, L.; Coffey, I.; Dux, R.; Garbet, X.; Garzotti, L.; Giroud, C. et al.; Hawkes, N.; Kalupin, D.; Leggate, H.; Mantica, P.; Mattioli, M.; Mazon, D.; McDonald, D.; Neu, R.; Parail, V.; Puiatti, M. E.; Tokar, M.; Valisa, M.; Valovic, M.; Weiland, J.; Zabeo, L.; Zabolotsky, A.; Zastrow, K.-D.; Contributors to the JET-EFDA Workprogramme: Anamalous particle and impurity transport in JET. 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura (2004)
Manini, A.; Ryter, F.; Angioni, C.; Apostoliceanu, M.; Peeters, A. G.; Stober, J.; Tardini, G.; Leuterer, F.; Maggi, C. F.; Nishijima, D. et al.; Stäbler, A.; Suttrop, W.; Wagner, D.; ASDEX Upgrade Team: Experimental Evidence for Electron Heat Transport Threshold in ASDEX Upgrade H-modes. 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London (2004)
Weisen, H.; Zabolotsky, A.; Giroud, C.; Leggate, H.; Zastrow, K.-D.; Angioni, C.; Weiland, J.; Garbet, X.; Zabeo, L.; Mazon, D. et al.; JET-EFDA contributors: Shear and temperature gradient dependences of particle pinches in JET. 31st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, London (2004)

Thesis - Habilitation (1)

Thesis - Habilitation
Angioni, C.: Theoretical and experimental research on particle and impurity transport in the core of tokamak plasmas. Habilitation, Université de Provence, Aix-Marseille (2010)
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