Publications of J. H. You
All genres
Journal Article (182)
Journal Article
96, 124065 (2021)
Typology of defects in DEMO divertor target mockups. Physica Scripta 42.
Journal Article
61, 126057 (2021)
Power exhaust concepts and divertor designs for Japanese and European DEMO fusion reactors. Nuclear Fusion 43.
Journal Article
169, 112493 (2021)
Comparison between finite element and experimental evidences of innovative W lattice materials for sacrificial limiter applications. Fusion Engineering and Design 44.
Journal Article
168, 112368 (2021)
Hydraulic assessment of an upgraded pipework arrangement for the DEMO divertor plasma facing components cooling circuit. Fusion Engineering and Design 45.
Journal Article
167, 112227 (2021)
Thermal-hydraulic study of the DEMO divertor cassette body cooling circuit equipped with a liner and two reflector plates. Fusion Engineering and Design 46.
Journal Article
169, 112661 (2021)
Structural integrity of DEMO divertor target assessed by neutron tomography. Fusion Engineering and Design 47.
Journal Article
169, 112428 (2021)
Neutronics analysis and activation calculation for tungsten used in the DEMO divertor targets: A comparative study between the effects of WCLL and HCPB blanket, different W compositions and chromium. Fusion Engineering and Design 48.
Journal Article
95, 105437 (2021)
Neutron irradiation hardening across ITER diverter tungsten armor. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 49.
Journal Article
554, 153086 (2021)
Irradiation embrittlement in pure chromium and chromium-tungsten alloy in a view of their potential application for fusion plasma facing components. Journal of Nuclear Materials 50.
Journal Article
14 (23), 8086 (2021)
Hydraulic Characterization of the Full Scale Mock-Up of the DEMO Divertor Outer Vertical Target. Energies 51.
Journal Article
164, 112203 (2021)
Structural lifetime assessment for the DEMO divertor targets: Design-by-analysis approach and outstanding issues. Fusion Engineering and Design 52.
Journal Article
544, 152670 (2021)
High-heat-flux technologies for the European demo divertor targets: State-of-the-art and a review of the latest testing campaign. Journal of Nuclear Materials 53.
Journal Article
159, 111784 (2020)
EU-DEMO divertor: Cassette design and PFCs integration at pre-conceptual stage. Fusion Engineering and Design 54.
Journal Article
161, 111919 (2020)
On the numerical assessment of the thermal-hydraulic operating map of the DEMO Divertor Plasma Facing Components cooling circuit. Fusion Engineering and Design 55.
Journal Article
156, 111613 (2020)
On the thermal-hydraulic performances of the DEMO divertor cassette body cooling circuit equipped with a liner. Fusion Engineering and Design 56.
Journal Article
154, 111497 (2020)
The design and optimisation of a monoblock divertor target for DEMO using thermal break interlayer. Fusion Engineering and Design 57.
Journal Article
160, 111831 (2020)
Towards reliable design-by-analysis for divertor plasma facing components – Guidelines for inelastic assessment (part 2: irradiated). Fusion Engineering and Design 58.
Journal Article
2020 (T171), 014003 (2020)
Assessment of the high heat flux performance of European DEMO divertor mock-ups. Physica Scripta 59.
Journal Article
158, 111710 (2020)
Insulated fixation system of plasma facing components to the divertor cassette in Eurofusion-DEMO. Fusion Engineering and Design 60.
Journal Article
158, 111721 (2020)
Parametric design study of a substrate material for a DEMO sacrificial limiter. Fusion Engineering and Design