Publications of J. H. You

Journal Article (182)

Journal Article
Addab, Y.; Richou, M.; Ramaniraka, M.; Vignal, N.; Visca, E.; Dose, G.; Roccella, S.; Greuner, H.; Missirlian, M.; You, J. H.: Typology of defects in DEMO divertor target mockups. Physica Scripta 96, 124065 (2021)
Journal Article
Asakura, N.; Hoshino, K.; Kakudate, S.; Subba, F.; Vorpahl, C.; Homma, Y.; Utoh, H.; Someya, Y.; Sakamoto, Y.; Hiwatari, R. et al.; Suzuki, S.; You, J.-H.; Siccinio, M.; Federici, G.: Power exhaust concepts and divertor designs for Japanese and European DEMO fusion reactors. Nuclear Fusion 61, 126057 (2021)
Journal Article
De Luca, R.; Fanelli, P.; Hünteler, C. B.; Vivio, F.; Zhang, K.; Müller, A. v.; Calabro, G.; Maviglia, F.; You, J. H.: Comparison between finite element and experimental evidences of innovative W lattice materials for sacrificial limiter applications. Fusion Engineering and Design 169, 112493 (2021)
Journal Article
Di Maio, P. A.; Burlon, R.; Mazzone, G.; Quartararo, A.; Vallone, E.; You, J. H.: Hydraulic assessment of an upgraded pipework arrangement for the DEMO divertor plasma facing components cooling circuit. Fusion Engineering and Design 168, 112368 (2021)
Journal Article
Di Maio, P. A.; Mazzone, G.; Quartararo, A.; Vallone, E.; You, J. H.: Thermal-hydraulic study of the DEMO divertor cassette body cooling circuit equipped with a liner and two reflector plates. Fusion Engineering and Design 167, 112227 (2021)
Journal Article
Minniti, T.; Schoofs, F.; Evans, L. M.; Kockelmann, W.; You, J.-H.; Lewtas, H.: Structural integrity of DEMO divertor target assessed by neutron tomography. Fusion Engineering and Design 169, 112661 (2021)
Journal Article
Noce, S.; Flammini, D.; Mariano, G.; Mazzone, G.; Moro, F.; Romanelli, F.; Villari, R.; You, J.-H.: Neutronics analysis and activation calculation for tungsten used in the DEMO divertor targets: A comparative study between the effects of WCLL and HCPB blanket, different W compositions and chromium. Fusion Engineering and Design 169, 112428 (2021)
Journal Article
Terentyev, D.; Yin, C.; Dubinko, A.; Chang, C. C.; You, J. H.: Neutron irradiation hardening across ITER diverter tungsten armor. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 95, 105437 (2021)
Journal Article
Terentyev, D.; Zinovev, A.; Khvana, T.; You, J.-H.; Van Steenberge, N.; Zhurkin, E. E.: Irradiation embrittlement in pure chromium and chromium-tungsten alloy in a view of their potential application for fusion plasma facing components. Journal of Nuclear Materials 554, 153086 (2021)
Journal Article
Tincani, A.; Castrovinci, F. M.; Cuzzani, M.; Di Maio, P. A.; Di Piazza, I.; Martelli, D.; Mazzone, G.; Quartararo, A.; Vallone, E.; You, J.-H.: Hydraulic Characterization of the Full Scale Mock-Up of the DEMO Divertor Outer Vertical Target. Energies 14 (23), 8086 (2021)
Journal Article
You, J.-H.; Li, M.; Zhang, K.: Structural lifetime assessment for the DEMO divertor targets: Design-by-analysis approach and outstanding issues. Fusion Engineering and Design 164, 112203 (2021)
Journal Article
You, J. H.; Visca, E.; Barrett, T.; Böswirth, B.; Crescenzi, F.; Domptail, F.; Dose, G.; Fursdon, M.; Gallay, F.; Greuner, H. et al.; Hunger, K.; Lukenskas, A.; Müller, A. v.; Richou, M.; Roccella, S.; Vorpahl, C.; Zhang, K.: High-heat-flux technologies for the European demo divertor targets: State-of-the-art and a review of the latest testing campaign. Journal of Nuclear Materials 544, 152670 (2021)
Journal Article
Bonavolonta, U.; Bachmann, C.; Coccorese, D.; Di Gironimo, G.; Imbriani, V.; Marzullo, D.; Mazzone, G.; Vorpahl, C.; You, J.-H.: EU-DEMO divertor: Cassette design and PFCs integration at pre-conceptual stage. Fusion Engineering and Design 159, 111784 (2020)
Journal Article
Di Maio, P. A.; Burlon, R.; Giardina, M.; You, J. H.; Mazzone, G.; Vallone, E.: On the numerical assessment of the thermal-hydraulic operating map of the DEMO Divertor Plasma Facing Components cooling circuit. Fusion Engineering and Design 161, 111919 (2020)
Journal Article
Di Maio, P. A.; Forte, R.; Gaglio, R.; You, J. H.; Mazzone, G.; Tomarchio, E.; Vallone, E.: On the thermal-hydraulic performances of the DEMO divertor cassette body cooling circuit equipped with a liner. Fusion Engineering and Design 156, 111613 (2020)
Journal Article
Domptail, F.; Barrett, T. R.; Fursdon, M.; Lukenskas, A.; You, J.-H.: The design and optimisation of a monoblock divertor target for DEMO using thermal break interlayer. Fusion Engineering and Design 154, 111497 (2020)
Journal Article
Fursdon, M.; You, J.-H.: Towards reliable design-by-analysis for divertor plasma facing components – Guidelines for inelastic assessment (part 2: irradiated). Fusion Engineering and Design 160, 111831 (2020)
Journal Article
Greuner, H.; Böswirth, B.; Hunger, K.; Khan, A.; Barrett, T. R.; Gallay, F.; Richou, M.; Visca, E.; Müller, A. v.; You, J. H.: Assessment of the high heat flux performance of European DEMO divertor mock-ups. Physica Scripta 2020 (T171), 014003 (2020)
Journal Article
Imbriani, V.; Bonavolonta, U.; Di Gironimo, G.; El Shawish, S.; Fursdon, M.; Giannone, L.; Marzullo, D.; Mazzone, G.; Visca, E.; You, J.-H.: Insulated fixation system of plasma facing components to the divertor cassette in Eurofusion-DEMO. Fusion Engineering and Design 158, 111710 (2020)
Journal Article
Luca, R. d.; Fanelli, P.; Mingozzi, S.; Calabro, G.; Vivio, F.; Maviglia, F.; You, J. H.: Parametric design study of a substrate material for a DEMO sacrificial limiter. Fusion Engineering and Design 158, 111721 (2020)
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