Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Eine Übersicht über alle wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen des Max-Planck-Institutes für Plasmaphysik.

Zeitschriftenartikel (440)

Adli, E.; Ahuja, A.; Apsimon, O.; Apsimon, R.; Bachmann, A.-M.; Barrientos, D.; Batsch, F.; Bauche, J.; Berglyd Olsen, V. K.; Bernardini, M. et al.; Bohl, T.; Bracco, C.; Braunmüller, F.; Burt, G.; Buttenschön, B.; Caldwell, A.; Cascella, M.; Chappell, J.; Chevallay, E.; Chung, M.; Cooke, D.; Damerau, H.; Deacon, L.; Deubner, L. H.; Dexter, A.; Doebert, S.; Farmer, J.; Fedosseev, V. N.; Fiorito, R.; Fonseca, R. A.; Friebel, F.; Garolfi, L.; Gessner, S.; Gorgisyan, I.; Gorn, A. A.; Granados, E.; Grulke, O.; Gschwendtner, E.; Hansen, J.; Helm, A.; Henderson, J. R.; Hüther, M.; Ibison, M.; Jensen, L.; Jolly, S.; Keeble, F.; Kim, S.-Y.; Kraus, F.; Li, Y.; Liu, S.; Lopes, N.; Lotov, K. V.; Maricalva Brun, L.; Martyanov, M.; Mazzoni, S.; Medina Godoy, D.; Minakov, V. A.; Mitchell, J.; Molendijk, J. C.; Moody, J. T.; Moreira, M.; Muggli, P.; Öz, E.; Pasquino, C.; Pardons, A.; Pena Asmus, F.; Pepitone, K.; Perera, A.; Petrenko, A.; Pitman, S.; Pukhov, A.; Rey, S.; Rieger, K.; Ruhl, H.; Schmidt, J. S.; Shalimova, I. A.; Sherwood, P.; Silva, L. O.; Soby, L.; Sosedkin, A. P.; Speroni, R.; Spitsyn, R. I.; Tuev, P. V.; Turner, M.; Velotti, F.; Verra, L.; Verzilov, V. A.; Vieira, J.; Welsch, C. P.; Williamson, B.; Wing, M.; Woolley, B.; Xia, G.: Acceleration of electrons in the plasma wakefield of a proton bunch. Nature 561, S. 363 - 367 (2018)
Agostinetti, P.; Spolaore, M.; Brombin, M.; Cervaro, V.; Franchin, L.; Grulke, O.; Killer, C.; Martines, E.; Moresco, M.; Peruzzo, S. et al.; Vianello, N.; Visentin, M.: Design of a High Resolution Probe Head for Electromagnetic Turbulence Investigations in W7-X. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (5), S. 1306 - 1311 (2018)
Aguiam, D. E.; Silva, A.; Guimarais, L.; Carvalho, P. J.; Conway, G. D.; Goncalves, B.; Meneses, L.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Santos, J. M.; Tuccillo, A. A. et al.; Tudisco, O.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Estimation of X-Mode Reflectometry First Fringe Frequency Using Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 46 (5), S. 1323 - 1330 (2018)
Äkäslompolo, S.; Drevlak, M.; Turkin, Y.; Bozhenkov, S.; Jesche, T.; Kontula, J.; Kurki-Suonio, T.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Modelling of NBI ion wall loads in the W7-X stellarator. Nuclear Fusion 58, 082010 (2018)
Aleynikova, K.; Zocco, A.; Xanthopoulos, P.; Helander, P.; Nührenberg, C.: Kinetic ballooning modes in tokamaks and stellarators. Journal of Plasma Physics 84 (6), 745840602 (2018)
Alimov, V. K.; Hatano, Y.; Sugiyama, K.; Zibrov, M.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Jacob, W.: Deuterium absorption in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H under exposure to D2O vapor/water at room temperature. Journal of Nuclear Materials 507, S. 54 - 58 (2018)
Alimov, V. K.; Ogorodnikova, O.V.; Hatano, Y.; Gasparyan, Y.; Efimov, V.S.; Mayer, M.; Zhou, Z.; Oyaizu, M.; Isobe, K.; Nakamura, H. et al.; Hayashi, T.: Surface modification and deuterium retention in reduced-activation steels exposed to low-energy, high-flux pure and helium-seeded deuterium plasmas. Journal of Nuclear Materials 502, S. 1 - 8 (2018)
Alzetta, G.; Arndt, D.; Bangerth, W.; Boddu, V.; Brands, B.; Davydov, D.; Gassmöller, R.; Heister, T.; Heltai, L.; Kormann, K. et al.; Kronbichler, M.; Maier, M.; Pelteret, J.-P.; Turcksin, B.; Wells, D.: The deal.II library, Version 9.0. Journal of Numerical Mathematics 26 (4), S. 173 - 183 (2018)
Angioni, C.; Fable, E.; Manas, P.; Mantica, P.; Schneider, P. A.; ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; EUROfusion MST1 Team; JET Contributors: Dependence of the turbulent particle flux on hydrogen isotopes induced by collisionality. Physics of Plasmas 25, 082517 (2018)
Arkhipov, A.; Mackel, F.; Haas, G.; Koll, J.; Scarabosio, A.; Meister, H.; Seyvet, F.; Terron, S.; Andrew, P.: Experimental validation of thermo-mechanical simulations of ITER diagnostic pressure gauges. Fusion Engineering and Design 136, Pt. A, S. 398 - 402 (2018)
Arredondo, R.; Oberkofler, M.; Schmid, K.; Schwarz-Selinger, T.; Jacob, W.; Neu, R.: SIESTA: A high current ion source for erosion and retention studies. Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 103501 (2018)
Artola, F. J.; Huijsmans, G. T. A.; Hoelzl, M.; Beyer, P.; Loarte, A.; Gribov, Y.: Non-linear magnetohydrodynamic simulations of edge localised mode triggering via vertical position oscillations in ITER. Nuclear Fusion 58, 096018 (2018)
Arts, K.; Vervuurt, R.; Bhattacharya, A.; Oosterbeek, J. W.; Bol, A. A.: Broadband optical response of graphene measured by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and FTIR spectroscopy. Journal of Applied Physics 124, 073105 (2018)
Asakur, N.; Hoshino, K.; Utoh, H.; Someya, Y.; Suzuki, S.; Bachmann, C.; Reimerdes, H.; Wenninger, R.; Kudo, H.; Tokunaga, S. et al.; Homma, Y.; Sakamoto, Y.; Hiwatari, R.; Tobita, K.; You, J.-H.; Federici, G.; Ezato, K.; Seki, Y.; Ueda, Y.; Ohno, N.: Plasma exhaust and divertor studies in Japan and Europe broader approach, DEMO design activity. Fusion Engineering and Design 136, Pt. A, S. 1214 - 1220 (2018)
Astfalk, P.; Jenko, F.: On the Quasi‐linear Saturation of the Parallel Proton Firehose Instability Using a Full‐f Approach. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (9), S. 7153 - 7166 (2018)
Baek, S. .; Wallace, G. .; Bonoli, P. .; Brunner, D.; Faust, I. C.; Hubbard, A. .; Hughes, J. .; LaBombard, B.; Parker, R. .; Porkolab, M. et al.; Shiraiwa, S.; Wukitch, S.: Observation of Efficient Lower Hybrid Current Drive at High Density in Diverted Plasmas on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak. Physical Review Fluids 121, 055001 (2018)
Baldzuhn, J.; Damm, H.; Dinklage, A.; Sakamoto, R.; Motojima, G.; Yasuhara, R.; Ida, K.; Yamada, H.; LHD Experiment Group; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Particle fueling experiments with a series of pellets in LHD. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 60, 035006 (2018)
Ballinger, S. B.; Terry, J. L.; Baek, S. G.; Tang, K.; Stechow, A. v.; Killer, C.; Nicolai, D.; Satheeswaran, G.; Drews, P.; Grulke, O. et al.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Fast camera imaging of plasmas in Alcator C-Mod and W7-X. Nuclear Materials and Energy 17, S. 269 - 273 (2018)
Baltador, C.; Zanini, M.; Veltri, P.; Cavenago, M.; Serianni, G.: Effect of filter field and double-bias plate on volume process in negative ion sources. AIP Conference Proceedings 2011 (1), 050024 (2018)
Bandaru, V.; Boeck, T.; Schumacher, J.: Turbulent magnetohydrodynamic flow in a square duct: Comparison of zero and finite magnetic Reynolds number cases. Physical Review Fluids 3, 083701 (2018)
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