Scientific Publications
An overview of all scientific publications of the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics.
Journal Article (13089)
Journal Article
211, 114814 (2025)
The W7-X ECRH gyrotron diamond output window: Oil and water cooled window performance at 1.5 MW operation. Fusion Engineering and Design 2.
Journal Article
32, 012305 (2025)
Nonlinear dynamics of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes driven by trapped energetic particles. Physics of Plasmas 3.
Journal Article
67, 035005 (2025)
Construction of an invertible mapping to boundary conforming coordinates for arbitrarily shaped toroidal domains. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 4.
Journal Article
91 (1), E27 (2025)
Axisymmetric predictions for mitigated and vertically unstable disruptions in ITER with runaway electrons. Journal of Plasma Physics 5.
Journal Article
67, 035004 (2025)
Introduction of a 3D global non-linear full-f particle-in-cell model for runaway electrons in JOREK. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 6.
Journal Article
65, 016005 (2025)
Time-dependent full-radius integrated modeling of the DTT tokamak main plasma scenarios. Nuclear Fusion 7.
Journal Article
212, 114861 (2025)
Divertor conceptual design of the European Volumetric Neutron Source. Fusion Engineering and Design 8.
Journal Article
65, 016057 (2025)
X-point radiator control and its dynamics in ASDEX Upgrade and JET deuterium–tritium discharges. Nuclear Fusion 9.
Journal Article
67, 025008 (2025)
Particle-in-cell methods in edge plasma physics: the PICLS code. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 10.
Journal Article
65, 026065 (2025)
Transport and profile broadening in the private flux region of ASDEX upgrade and role for power exhaust. Nuclear Fusion 11.
Journal Article
65, 026054 (2025)
Experimental study and gyrokinetic simulations of isotope effects on core heat transport in JET tokamak deuterium and tritium plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 12.
Journal Article
65, 036025 (2025)
Impact of Yacora evaluated molecular effective rate coefficients on detached SOLPS-ITER simulations. Nuclear Fusion 13.
Journal Article
111, 054114 (2025)
Tungsten oxide thin films probed by depth-resolved positron annihilation spectroscopy. Physical Review E 14.
Journal Article
523, 113647 (2025)
Variational discretizations of ideal magnetohydrodynamics in smooth regime using structure-preserving finite elements. Journal of Computational Physics 15.
Journal Article
7, L012004 (2025)
Composition of electron temperature gradient driven plasma turbulence in JET-ILW tokamak plasmas. Physical Review Research 16.
Journal Article
65, 046010 (2025)
Low frequency m = 1 modes during standard and improved confinement scenarios in W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 17.
Journal Article
42, 101831 (2025)
Numerical modeling of impurity powder injection in W7-X. Nuclear Materials and Energy 18.
Journal Article
65, 036039 (2025)
Definition of an EU-DEMO design point robust to epistemic plasma physics uncertainties. Nuclear Fusion 19.
Journal Article
91 (1), E12 (2025)
Energetic bounds on gyrokinetic instabilities. Part 4. Bounce-averaged electrons. Journal of Plasma Physics 20.
Journal Article
42, 101841 (2025)
Qualification by HHF tests of W coatings on Inconel superalloy for COMPASS-U plasma-facing components. Nuclear Materials and Energy