Dear colleagues,
The 15th Workshop in H-Mode Physics and Transport Barriers will take place on the 19-21 October 2015, hosted by the Max-Planck Insitute for Plasma Physics, Garching bei München, Germany.
This website contains all the important information you should need, including the important dates, abstract submission, information on accommodation in the area, and how to get here.
The topics and invited speakers for this meeting are as follows:
Topic 1
"Development of reactor relevant scenarios: key physics and operational aspects"
A. Loarte (ITER Organisation)
Topic 2
"Turbulence in edge and core transport barriers, new experimental results and modelling"
T. Tokuzawa (NIFS, JA)
Topic 3
"Impact of magnetic perturbations on ELMs and ETB structure"
R. Nazikian (PPPL, US)
Topic 4
"ELM-free, small-ELM regimes including I-mode, QH-mode"
D. Whyte (MIT, US)
Topic 5
"H-mode transition dynamics; role of flow-turbulence interaction"
L. Schmitz (UCLA, US)
Topic 6
"Influence of impurities and divertor conditions on transitions, pedestal and ELMs"
M. Dunne (IPP-Garching, EU)
The meeting will consist of these overview talks, each with a 90 minute session (including discussion), and will be followed by a poster session consisting of submissions relevant to these topics. With this announcement, we would like to invite you to submit abstracts which focus on work in these key H-mode physics areas. The deadline for abstract submission is June 19th and participants will be notified of acceptance by July 17th. Registration will then be open from July 17th until September 18th.
It is foreseen that all participants publish their contributed work in a planned special issue of Nuclear Fusion. Details of deadlines will be released at a later date.
Should you have any further questions about the meeting, please do not hesitate to contact the local organising committee via e-mail: hmws2015@ipp.mpg.de
Yours sincerely,
Elisabeth Wolfrum,
Chair, Local organising committee