Journal Article (133)

Journal Article
Franck, C.; Klinger, T.; Piel, A.; Schamel, H.: Dynamics of Periodic Ion Holes in a Forced Beam-Plasma Experiment. Physics of Plasmas 8, pp. 4271 - 4274 (2001)
Journal Article
Grulke, O.; Greiner, F.; Klinger, T.; Piel, A.: Comparative Experimental Study of Coherent Structures in a Simple Magnetized Torus. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 43, pp. 525 - 542 (2001)
Journal Article
Grulke, O.; Klinger, T.; Endler, M.; Piel, A.; W7-AS Team: Analysis of Large-Scale Fluctuation Structures in the Scrape-off Layer of the Wendelstein 7-AS Stellarator. Physics of Plasmas 8, pp. 5171 - 5180 (2001)
Journal Article
Klinger, T.; Schröder, C.; Block, D.; Greiner, F.; Piel, A.; Bonhomme, G.; Naulin, V.: Chaos Control and Taming of Turbulence in Plasma Devices. Physics of Plasmas 8, pp. 1961 - 1968 (2001)
Journal Article
Koepke, M. E.; Dinklage, A.; Klinger, T.; Wilke, C.: Spatiotemporal Signatures of Periodic Pulling during Ionization-Wave Mode Transitions. Physics of Plasmas 8, pp. 1432 - 1436 (2001)
Journal Article
Letellier, C.; Menard, O.; Klinger, T.; Piel, A.; Bonhomme, G.: Dynamical Analysis and Map Modelling of a Thermionic Diode Plasma Experiment. Physica D 156, pp. 169 - 178 (2001)
Journal Article
Schröder, C.; Klinger, T.; Block, D.; Piel, A.; Bonhomme, G.; Naulin, V.: Mode Selective Control of Drift Wave Turbulence. Physical Review Letters 86, pp. 5711 - 5714 (2001)
Journal Article
Schröder, C.; Klinger, T.; Bonhomme, G.; Block, D.; Piel, A.: Taming Drift Wave Turbulence. Contributions to Plasma Physics 41, pp. 461 - 466 (2001)
Journal Article
Wendt, M.; Klinger, T.; Franck, C.; Piel, A.: Localization of the High Frequency Field in a Beam-Plasma Diode due to Density Gradients. Physica Scripta 63, pp. 62 - 69 (2001)
Journal Article
Anton, M.; Klinger, T.; Haese, M.; Zoletnik, S.; Geiger, J.; Goerner, C.; Hartfuss, H.-J.; Jaenicke, R.; Weller, A.; W7-AS-Team: Recent Observations of MHD Instabilities on W7-AS. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research SERIES 1, pp. 259 - 262 (1998)
Journal Article
Anton, M.; Klinger, T.; Häse, M.; Zoletnik, S.; Geiger, J.; Görner, C.; Hartfuß, H.-J.; Jaenicke, R.; Weller, A.; W7-AS Team: Recent Observations of MHD Instabilities on W7-AS. Journal of Plasma and Fusion Research 1, pp. 259 - 262 (1998)
Journal Article
Carreras, B. A.; van Milligen, B. P.; Pedrosa, M. A.; Balbín, R.; Hidalgo, C.; Newman, D. E.; Sánchez, E.; Frances, M.; García-Cortés, I.; Bleuel, J. et al.; Endler, M.; Ricardi, C.; Davies, S. J.; Matthews, G. F.; Martines, E.; Antoni, V.; Latten, A.; Klinger, T.: Self-Similarity of the Plasma Edge Fluctuations. Physics of Plasmas 5, pp. 3632 - 3643 (1998)
Journal Article
Carreras, B. A.; van Milligen, B. P.; Pedrosa, M. A.; Balbin, R.; Hidalgo, C.; Newman, D. E.; Sanchez, E.; Frances, M.; Garcia-Cortes, I.; Bleuel, J. et al.; Endler, M.; Ricardi, C.; Davies, S.; Matthews, G. F.; Martines, E.; Antoni, V.; Latten, A.; Klinger, T.: Self-similarity of the plasma edge fluctuations. Physics of Plasmas 5 (10), pp. 3632 - 3643 (1998)

Book (1)

Dinklage, A.; Klinger, T.; Marx, G.; Schweikhard, L. (Eds.): Plasma Physics: Confinement, Transport and Collective Effects. Springer, Berlin (2005), 496 pp.

Book Chapter (17)

Book Chapter
Klinger, T.: Wendelstein 7-X. In: Magnetic Fusion Energy: From Experiments to Power Plants, pp. 493 - 506 (Ed. Neilson, G. H.). Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (2016)
Book Chapter
Klinger, T.: Energie aus der Fusion schwerer Wasserstoffkerne - das Großexperiment Wendelstein 7-X. In: Physik für Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure, p. 1342 (Ed. Wagner, J.). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2015)
Book Chapter
Kemnitz, B.; Klinger, T.: Optimized Stellarator as a Candidate for a Fusion Power Plant. In: Energie: Technologien und Energiewirtschaft. Vorträge auf der DPG-Frühjahrstagung in Dresden 2013, pp. 19 - 28 (Ed. Bruhns, H.). Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Bad Honnef (2013)
Book Chapter
Klinger, T.: Von Wendelstein 1-A zu Wendelstein 7-X. In: Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik. 50 Jahre Forschung für die Energie der Zukunft, pp. 12 - 17. Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (IPP), Garching und Greifswald (2010)
Book Chapter
Grulke, O.; Ullrich, S.; Windisch, T.; Klinger, T.: Spatiotemporal dynamics of drift wave turbulence in a helicon discharge. In: PLASMA 2007: The International Conference Research and Application of Plasmas; 4th German-Polish Conference on Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications; 6th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, pp. 87 - 92 (Eds. Hartfuß, H.-J.; Dudeck, M.; Musielok, J.; Sadowski, M. J.). American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY (2008)
Book Chapter
Krychowiak, M.; Mertens, P.; Schweer, B.; Brezinsek, S.; König, R.; Schmitz, O.; Brix, M.; Samm, U.; Klinger, T.: LIF measurements on an atomic helium beam in the edge of a fusion plasma – possible derivation of the electron density. In: PLASMA 2007: The International Conference Research and Application of Plasmas; 4th German-Polish Conference on Plasma Diagnostics for Fusion and Applications; 6th French-Polish Seminar on Thermal Plasma in Space and Laboratory, pp. 179 - 182 (Eds. Hartfuß, H.-J.; Dudeck, M.; Musielok, J.; Sadowski, M. J.). American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY (2008)
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