Postdoctoral positions in the ASDEX Upgrade Project
Turbulence investigations with thermal helium beam diagnostic

The edge of a fusion plasma is a critical region of a fusion plasma, determining both the performance of the core plasma and the ability to safely exhaust power. Therefore, a predictable understanding of the complex processes at the plasma edge involving plasma turbulence, atomic physics and magnetohydrodynamic instabilities is crucial for the safe operation of a fusion power plant.
The postdoctoral project focuses on the investigation of edge fluctuations in reactor relevant high confinement regimes without ELMs. This includes the operation of the thermal helium beam diagnostics at the tokamak ASDEX Upgrade and the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X as well as the comparison of measured turbulence data with state-of-the-art turbulence codes.
Join our turbulence group if you have a passion for complex physical processes and tasks at the interface between experimental and theoretical work!