Postdoctoral positions in the ASDEX Upgrade Project
The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics operates a large-scale experiment, the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak , in Garching, Germany.

Our international scientific team is organised in three experimental divisions (E1, E2, E2M) and comprises about 50 scientists and 50 PhDs and Postdocs. We are looking for young scientists who have recently completed a PhD (or will complete their PhD in the near future) to join our team. Our postdoctoral research positions are temporary contracts, typically for 2 years with possible prolongation to 4 years. The positions are remunerated according to the German public service collective agreement (TVöD 13,
We’re seeking support on the following topics:
- Spectroscopy (visible and hard-x-ray)
- Magnetic Probes
- ECE Diagnostic: Electron Cyclotron Emission
- Reflectometry
- Pedestal transport and stability
- Bolometry and impurity radiation
- Thermography
- SOL modeling
- Turbulence investigations with thermal helium beam diagnostic
Expertise is a plus, but a strong plasma physics background and passion for nuclear fusion are enough to get started. If you're interested in joining our team, please submit an unsolicited application through our platform. In your cover letter, kindly indicate which of these topics resonates with you and how you'd like to contribute.