Publications of U. Höfel
All genres
Journal Article (75)
Journal Article
92, 043505 (2021)
Bayesian inference of spatially resolved Zeff profiles from line integrated bremsstrahlung spectra. Review of Scientific Instruments 22.
Journal Article
61, 106005 (2021)
High-performance ECRH at W7-X: experience and perspectives. Nuclear Fusion 23.
Journal Article
61, 096008 (2021)
First neutral beam experiments on Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 24.
Journal Article
28, 082506 (2021)
Characterization of injection and confinement improvement through impurity induced profile modifications on the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. Physics of Plasmas 25.
Journal Article
61, 096039 (2021)
Proof of concept of a fast surrogate model of the VMEC code via neural networks in Wendelstein 7-X scenarios. Nuclear Fusion 26.
Journal Article
61, 036024 (2021)
Measurements of the parameter dependencies of the bootstrap current in the W7-X stellarator. Nuclear Fusion 27.
Journal Article
92, 033531 (2021)
Neural network surrogates of Bayesian diagnostic models for fast inference of plasma parameters. Review of Scientific Instruments 28.
Journal Article
61, 016026 (2021)
Stable heat and particle flux detachment with efficient particle exhaust in the island divertor of Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 29.
Journal Article
61, 056001 (2021)
Heat pulse propagation and anomalous electron heat transport measurements on the optimized stellarator W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 30.
Journal Article
61, 116053 (2021)
Confinement degradation and plasma loss induced by strong sawtooth crashes at W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 31.
Journal Article
61, 126002 (2021)
Plasma radiation behavior approaching high-radiation scenarios in W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 32.
Journal Article
62, 055012 (2020)
Enhanced energy confinement after series of pellets in Wendelstein 7-X. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 33.
Journal Article
60, 066011 (2020)
High-performance plasmas after pellet injections in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 34.
Journal Article
62, 025011 (2020)
Intermittence and turbulence in fusion devices. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 35.
Journal Article
15, P09024 (2020)
Investigation of higher harmonics of electron cyclotron emission using Fourier transform spectroscopy in Wendelstein 7-X. Journal of Instrumentation 36.
Journal Article
160, 111819 (2020)
W7-X logbook REST API for processing experimental metadata and data enrichment at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. Fusion Engineering and Design 37.
Journal Article
60, 076020 (2020)
Validation of the BEAMS3D neutral beam deposition model on Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 38.
Journal Article
60, 036021 (2020)
Investigation of the neoclassical ambipolar electric field in ion-root plasmas on W7-X. Nuclear Fusion 39.
Journal Article
91, 063505 (2020)
The Langmuir probe system in the Wendelstein 7-X test divertor. Review of Scientific Instruments 40.
Journal Article
25, 100821 (2020)
Integrated modelling: Coupling of surface evolution and plasma-impurity transport. Nuclear Materials and Energy