Publications of H. P. Laqua

Journal Article (164)

Journal Article
Aiello, G.; Gantenbein, G.; Gorr, B.; Jelonnek, J.; Laqua, H. P.; Meier, A.; Scherer, T.; Schreck, S.; Strauss, D.; Thumm, M.: The W7-X ECRH gyrotron diamond output window: Oil and water cooled window performance at 1.5 MW operation. Fusion Engineering and Design 211, 114814 (2025)
Journal Article
Ford, O. P.; Beurskens, M.; Bozhenkov, S. A.; Lazerson, S.; Vano, L.; Alonso, A.; Baldzuhn, J.; Beidler, C. D.; Biedermann, C.; Burhenn, R. et al.: Turbulence-reduced high-performance scenarios in Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 64, 086067 (2024)
Journal Article
Grulke, O.; Albert, C.; Alcuson Belloso, J. A.; Aleynikov, P.; Aleynikova, K.; Alonso, A.; Anda, G.; Andreeva, T.; Arvanitou, M.; Ascasibar, E. et al.: Overview of the first Wendelstein 7-X long pulse campaign with fully water-cooled plasma facing components. Nuclear Fusion 64, 112002 (2024)
Journal Article
Ida, K.; Yoshinuma, M.; Kobayashi, M.; Kobayashi, T.; Kenmochi, N.; Nespoli, F.; Magee, R. M.; Warmer, F.; Dinklage, A.; Matsuyama, A. et al.: Overview of Large Helical Device experiments of basic plasma physics for solving crucial issues in reaching burning plasma conditions. Nuclear Fusion 64, 112009 (2024)
Journal Article
Kovtun, Y.; Moiseenko, V.; Lozin, O.; Kozulya, M.; Pavlichenko, R.; Shapoval, A.; Bondarenko, V.; Baron, D.; Maznichenko, S.; Korovin, V. et al.: ICRF production of plasma with hydrogen minority in Uragan-2M stellarator by two-strap antenna. Physics of Plasmas 31, 042501 (2024)
Journal Article
Laqua, H. P.; Ponomarenko, S.: Suppression of Parasitic Modes in a Cylindrical Gyrotron Beam Tunnel by a Wall Corrugation with Schroeder Diffuser Structures. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 52 (6), pp. 2045 - 2049 (2024)
Journal Article
Moseev, D.; Ponomarenko, S.; Laqua, H. P.; Stange, T.; Nielsen, S. K.; Braune, H.; Gantenbein, G.; Illy, S.; Jelonnek, J.; Kasparek, W. et al.: Commissioning and first results of the 174 GHz CTS diagnostic at W7-X. Journal of Instrumentation 19, C03056 (2024)
Journal Article
Moseev, D.; Zanini, M.; Kasahara, H.; Laqua, H. P.; Funaba, H.; Hayashi, W. H. J.; Heidbrink, W.; Ida, K.; Igami, H.; Kawamoto, Y. et al.: Influence of sawtooth oscillations on fast ions in a stellarator. Nuclear Fusion 64, 066028 (2024)
Journal Article
Ponomarenko, S.; Laqua, H. P.; Avramidis, K. A.; Gantenbein, G.; Gontard, J.; Hollmann, F.; Illy, S.; Ioannidis, Z. C.; Jelonnek, J.; Jin, J. et al.: Experimental Results of the Novel 1.5-MW-Class 140-GHz Continuous-Wave Gyrotron for the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator. IEEE Electron Device Letters 45 (12), pp. 2550 - 2553 (2024)
Journal Article
Ponomarenko, S.; Moseev, D.; Stange, T.; Krier, L.; Stordiau, P.; Braune, H.; Gantenbein, G.; Jelonnek, J.; Kuleshov, A.; Laqua, H. P. et al.: Development of the 174 GHz collective Thomson scattering diagnostics at Wendelstein 7-X. Review of Scientific Instruments 95, 013501 (2024)
Journal Article
Zanini, M.; Aymerich, E.; Böckenhoff, D.; Merlo, A.; Aleynikova, K.; Brandt, C.; Braune, H.; Brunner, K. J.; Hirsch, M.; Höfel, U. et al.: Automated W7-X sawtooth crashes detection and characterization. Nuclear Fusion 64, 076027 (2024)
Journal Article
Delpech, L.; Alberti, S.; Avramidis, K.; Ayreault, A.; Batal, T.; Bernard, J.-M.; Bouquey, F.; Chelis, I.; Clairet, F.; Corbel, E. et al.: A new 3MW ECRH system at 105 GHz for WEST. Fusion Engineering and Design 186, 113360 (2023)
Journal Article
Ebadi, H.; Carrone, F.; Difonzo, R.; Fellinger, J.; Laqua, H. P.; Schneider, N.; Savoldi, L.: A multi-scale hybrid approach to the modelling and design of a novel micro-channel cooling structure for the W7X divertor. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 42, 102734 (2023)
Journal Article
Kovtun, Y. V.; Kasahara, H.; Moiseenko, V. E.; Kamio, S.; Seki, T.; Saito, K.; Seki, R.; Dinklage, A.; Hartmann, D.; Laqua, H. et al.: ICRF plasma production at hydrogen minority regime in LHD. Nuclear Fusion 63, 106002 (2023)
Journal Article
Kovtun, Y. V.; Moiseenko, V. E.; Kamio, S.; Kasahara, H.; Seki, T.; Saito, K.; Seki, R.; Lozin, A. V.; Pavlichenko, R. O.; Shapoval, A. N. et al.: ICRF Plasma Production with Hydrogen Minority Heating in Uragan-2M and Large Helical Device. Plasma and Fusion Research 18, 2402042 (2023)
Journal Article
Kovtun, Y. V.; Moiseenko, V. E.; Lozin, A. V.; Kozulya, M. M.; Pavlichenko, R. O.; Zamanov, N. V.; Shapoval, A. N.; Bondarenko, V. N.; Baron, D. I.; Maznichenko, S. M. et al.: ICRF plasma production in gas mixtures in the Uragan-2M stellarator. Fusion Engineering and Design 194, 113887 (2023)
Journal Article
Krier, L.; Avramidis, K. A.; Braune, H.; Gantenbein, G.; Illy, S.; Jelonnek, J.; Laqua, H. P.; Marsen, S.; Moseev, D.; Noke, F. et al.: Short-pulse frequency stabilization of a MW-class ECRH gyrotron at W7-X for CTS diagnostic. Fusion Engineering and Design 192, 113828 (2023)
Journal Article
Laqua, H. P.; Avramidis, K. A.; Braune, H.; Chelis, I.; Gantenbein, G.; Illy, S.; Ioannidis, Z.; Jelonnek, J.; Jin, J.; Krier, L. et al.: The ECRH-Power Upgrade at the Wendelstein 7-X Stellarator. EPJ Web of Conferences 277, 04003 (2023)
Journal Article
Oosterbeek, J. W.; Stern, M.; Braune, H.; Ewert, K.; Hirsch, M.; Hollmann, F.; Killinger, A.; Laqua, H. P.; Maquet, P.; Marsen, S. et al.: MISTRAL campaign in support of W7-X long pulse operation. EPJ Web of Conferences 277, 04009 (2023)
Journal Article
Ponomarenko, S.; Braune, H.; Khutoryan, E.; Kishko, S.; Kovshov, Y.; Kuleshov, A.; Laqua, H. P.; Moseev, D.; Stange, T.; Vlasenko, S.: Operational Characteristics of the 175-GHz Continuous-Wave Clinotron. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 70 (11), pp. 5921 - 5925 (2023)