Publications of S. Adamson

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Adamson, S.; Taglauer, E.; Fussmann, G.; Yang, H. R.; Roth, J.: Comparison of collector probe measurements of sputtered copper fluxes from the ASDEX divertor plate with a two-dimensional computer simulation. Journal of Nuclear Materials 196-198, pp. 189 - 193 (1992)
Journal Article
ASDEX Upgrade Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society; NBI-Team; Aratari, R.; Adamson, S.; Bessenrodt-Weberpals, M.; Büchse, R.; Carlson, A.; Chu, C.; Desinger, K.; Haas, G. et al.: Comparison of open-closed divertor geometries in ASDEX. Journal of Nuclear Materials 176-177, pp. 512 - 517 (1990)
Journal Article
Adamson, S.; Apicella, M.-L.; Martinelli, A.-P.; Taglauer, E.; ASDEX-Team: Metallic Impurities in the ASDEX Scrape-Off Layer. Nuclear Fusion 30, 5, pp. 881 - 890 (1990)
Journal Article
Adamson, S.; Staudenmaier, G.; Taglauer, E.: Impurity fluxes in ASDEX studied with a solid graphite collector probe. Journal of Nuclear Materials 176-177, pp. 935 - 940 (1990)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Adamson, S.; Apicella, M.-L.; Martinelli, A.-P.; Taglauer, E.; ASDEX-Team: Collector Probe Measurements of Metallic Impurity Fluxes in the Divertor Chamber of the ASDEX Tokamak. Selected Proceedings of the 11. International Vacuum Congress (IVC-11). 7. International Conference on Solid Surfaces (ICSS-7), Koeln (DE). Selected Proceedings of the 11. International Vacuum Congress (IVC-11). 7. International Conference on Solid Surfaces (ICSS-7) 41, s. 4-6, pp. 1545 - 1548 (1990)