Publications of P. Manz
All genres
Journal Article (85)
Journal Article
20, 102307 (8pp) (2013)
Filament velocity scaling laws for warm ions. Physics of Plasmas 82.
Journal Article
87, 042404 (8pp) (2013)
Nonlinear evolution of surface morphology under shadowing. Physical Review E 83.
Journal Article
19, 122302 (9pp) (2012)
On physical interpretation of two dimensional time-correlations regarding time delay velocities and eddy shaping. Physics of Plasmas 84.
Journal Article
19, 082318 (8pp) (2012)
A link between nonlinear self-organization and dissipation in drift-wave turbulence. Physics of Plasmas 85.
Journal Article
50 (3), 035008 (12pp) (2008)
Bispectral experimental estimation of the nonlinear energy transfer in two-dimensional plasma turbulence. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Conference Paper (38)
Conference Paper
Significant widening of divertor power flux distribution with increasing SOL power due to enhanced anomalous transport at Wendelstein 7-X. In: 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.039 (Eds. Kirk, J.; Volpe, L.). 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca, July 08, 2024 - July 12, 2024. European Physical Society, Geneva (2024)
Conference Paper
Numerical modelling of an enhanced perpendicular transport regime in the scrape-off layer of ASDEX Upgrade. In: 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P3.1018 (Eds. Giruzzi, G.; Arnas, C.; Borba, D.; Gopla, A.; Lebedev, S. et al.). 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual, June 21, 2021 - June 25, 2021. European Physical Society, Geneva (2021)
Conference Paper
Turbulence driven widening of the near-SOL power width for H-mode operation in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, O4.106 (Eds. Riconda, C.; Brezinsek, S.; McCarty, K.; Lancaster, K.; Burgess, D. et al.). 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, July 08, 2019 - July 12, 2019. European Physical Society, Geneva (2019)
Conference Paper
Advances in the Understanding of the I-Mode Confinement Regime: Access, Stationarity, Edge/SOL Transport and Divertor Impact. In: 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, EX/2-3. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (Ahmedabad), October 22, 2018 - October 27, 2018. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2019)
Conference Paper
The ballooning structure of small edge localized modes in AUG and TCV. In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, O4.104 (Eds. Riconda, C.; Brezinsek, S.; McCarty, K.; Lancaster, K.; Burgess, D. et al.). 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, July 08, 2019 - July 12, 2019. European Physical Society, Geneva (2019)
Conference Paper
Comparison of Tokamak Plasma Midplane with Divertor Conditions. In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.1050 (Eds. Riconda, C.; Brezinsek, S.; McCarty, K.; Lancaster, K.; Burgess, D. et al.). 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, July 08, 2019 - July 12, 2019. European Physical Society, Geneva (2019)
Conference Paper
IST Contributions to the ASDEX Upgrade Edge and Divertor Physics Using Microwave Reflectometry. In: 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, EX/P8-11. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (Ahmedabad), October 22, 2018 - October 27, 2018. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2019)
Conference Paper
Analysis of inter-ELM bursts in the JET scrape-off layer. In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P5.1041 (Eds. Riconda, C.; Brezinsek, S.; McCarty, K.; Lancaster, K.; Burgess, D. et al.). 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, July 08, 2019 - July 12, 2019. European Physical Society, Geneva (2019)
Conference Paper
Shrinking of resonant manifold under flow shear at the stellarator TJ-K. In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P5.1064 (Eds. Riconda, C.; Brezinsek, S.; McCarty, K.; Lancaster, K.; Burgess, D. et al.). 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, July 08, 2019 - July 12, 2019. European Physical Society, Geneva (2019)
Conference Paper
Parameter dependence of small Edge Localized Modes. In: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.1030. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague, July 02, 2018 - July 06, 2018. European Physical Society, Geneva (2018)
Conference Paper
On the relation between magnetic perturbations induced toroidal asymmetries and the pump-out effect in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.1109. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague, July 02, 2018 - July 06, 2018. European Physical Society, Geneva (2018)
Conference Paper
Observation of high frequency edge coherent modes in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.1098. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague, July 02, 2018 - July 06, 2018. European Physical Society, Geneva (2018)
Conference Paper
The Role of the neoclassical Er for the L-H Transition in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, EX/P6-29. 26th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2016), Kyoto, October 17, 2016 - October 22, 2016. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2018)
Conference Paper
Density profiles and fluctuations in front of the ICRF antenna on the ASDEX Upgrade using X-mode reflectometry. In: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P2.1033. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague, July 02, 2018 - July 06, 2018. European Physical Society, Geneva (2018)
Conference Paper
Enhancement of zonal flow drive through equilibrium shear flows. In: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P5.1029. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague, July 02, 2018 - July 06, 2018. European Physical Society, Geneva (2018)