Publications of M. Zibrov
All genres
Journal Article (21)
Journal Article
110, pp. 90 - 100 (2024)
Kinetic surface model in FESTIM: Verification and validation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2.
Journal Article
38, 101610 (2024)
Positron lifetime study of ion-irradiated tungsten: Ion type and dose effects. Nuclear Materials and Energy 3.
Journal Article
41, 101730 (2024)
Deuterium retention in displacement-damaged tungsten-rhenium alloys: Influence of rhenium concentration and irradiation temperature. Nuclear Materials and Energy 4.
Journal Article
38, 101617 (2024)
On the factors enhancing hydrogen trapping in spherical cavities in metals. Nuclear Materials and Energy 5.
Journal Article
64, 112001 (2024)
Overview of ASDEX upgrade results in view of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 6.
Journal Article
30, 101121 (2022)
Reaction-diffusion simulations of hydrogen isotope trapping and release from cavities in tungsten, I: Single cavity. Nuclear Materials and Energy 7.
Journal Article
32, 101219 (2022)
Reaction-diffusion simulations of hydrogen isotope trapping and release from cavities in tungsten, II: Array of cavities. Nuclear Materials and Energy 8.
Journal Article
32, 101219 (2022)
Reaction-diffusion simulations of hydrogen isotope trapping and release from cavities in tungsten, II: Array of cavities. Nuclear Materials and Energy 9.
Journal Article
162, 112105 (2021)
Post-mortem analyses of gap facing surfaces of tungsten tiles of T-10 ring limiter. Fusion Engineering and Design 10.
Journal Article
61, 086008 (2021)
On the use of recombination rate coefficients in hydrogen transport calculations. Nuclear Fusion 11.
Journal Article
2020 (T171), 014062 (2020)
Influence of plasma heat loads relevant to ITER transient events on deuterium retention in tungsten. Physica Scripta 12.
Journal Article
60, 126005 (2020)
Deuterium retention in mixed Be-W-D codeposited layers. Nuclear Fusion 13.
Journal Article
23, 100747 (2020)
High temperature recovery of radiation defects in tungsten and its effect on deuterium retention. Nuclear Materials and Energy 14.
Journal Article
531, 152017 (2020)
Vacancy cluster growth and thermal recovery in hydrogen-irradiated tungsten. Journal of Nuclear Materials 15.
Journal Article
59, 106056 (2019)
Deuterium trapping by deformation-induced defects in tungsten. Nuclear Fusion 16.
Journal Article
507, pp. 54 - 58 (2018)
Deuterium absorption in reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel F82H under exposure to D2O vapor/water at room temperature. Journal of Nuclear Materials 17.
Journal Article
12, pp. 289 - 296 (2017)
Effect of the surface temperature on surface morphology, deuterium retention and erosion of EUROFER steel exposed to low-energy, high-flux deuterium plasma. Nuclear Materials and Energy 18.
Journal Article
393, pp. 155 - 159 (2017)
Effect of high flux plasma exposure on the micro-structural and -mechanical properties of ITER specification tungsten. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 19.
Journal Article
57, 046004 (2017)
Deuterium trapping and surface modification of polycrystalline tungsten exposed to a high-flux plasma at high fluences. Nuclear Fusion 20.
Journal Article
494, pp. 211 - 218 (2017)
The high-flux effect on deuterium retention in TiC and TaC doped tungsten at high temperatures. Journal of Nuclear Materials