Publications of E. Speth
All genres
Journal Article (62)
Journal Article
53, 126001 (15pp) (2013)
Technical challenges in the construction of the steady-state stellarator Wendelstein 7-X. Nuclear Fusion 2.
Journal Article
88 (6-8), pp. 1034 - 1037 (2013)
Current status of the neutral beam heating system of W7-X. Fusion Engineering and Design 3.
Journal Article
86 (6-8), pp. 768 - 771 (2011)
The negative ion source test facility ELISE. Fusion Engineering and Design 4.
Journal Article
49, 125007 (9pp) (2009)
Physical performance analysis and progress of the development of the negative ion RF source for the ITER NBI system. Nuclear Fusion 5.
Journal Article
84 (2-6), pp. 915 - 922 (2009)
Design of the "half-size" ITER Neutral Beam Source for the Test Facility ELISE. Fusion Engineering and Design 6.
Journal Article
84 (2-6), pp. 1020 - 1025 (2009)
Shielding of the NBI boxes against W7-X magnetic stray fields. Fusion Engineering and Design 7.
Journal Article
84 (2-6), pp. 265 - 268 (2009)
Development of a RF-driven ion source for the ITER NBI system. Fusion Engineering and Design 8.
Journal Article
49, 104009 (9pp) (2009)
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. Nuclear Fusion 9.
Journal Article
79 (2), 02A511 (6pp) (2008)
Low Pressure and High Power RF Sources for Negative Hydrogen Ions for Fusion Applications (ITER neutral beam injection) (invited). Review of Scientific Instruments 10.
Journal Article
50 (5), 053001 (204pp) (2008)
Major results from the stellarator Wendelstein 7-AS. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 11.
Journal Article
79 (2), 02C108 (3pp) (2008)
Long pulse large area beam extraction with an RF driven H-/D- source. Review of Scientific Instruments 12.
Journal Article
49, pp. B563 - B580 (2007)
Negative ion RF sources for ITER NBI: status of the deveopment and recent achievements. Invited Paper. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 13.
Journal Article
47, pp. 264 - 270 (2007)
Progress of the Development of the IPP RF Negative Ion Source for the ITER Neutral Beam System. Nuclear Fusion 14.
Journal Article
82, pp. 407 - 423 (2007)
RADI - a RF source size-scaling experiment towards the ITER neutral beam negative ion source. Fusion Engineering and Design 15.
Journal Article
82, pp. 887 - 896 (2007)
Technical overview and first results of the half-size ITER NNBI source. Fusion Engineering and Design 16.
Journal Article
82, pp. 912 - 919 (2007)
Studies on the radio frequency power supply system for the ITER NB injector ion source. Fusion Engineering and Design 17.
Journal Article
49, pp. B59 - B70 (2007)
Plasma wall interaction and its implication in an all tungsten divertor tokamak. Invited Paper. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 18.
Journal Article
77, 03A516 (2006)
Plasma Diagnostic Tools for Optimizing Negative Hydrogen Ion Sources. Review of Scientific Instruments 19.
Journal Article
46, pp. S297 - S306 (2006)
Spectroscopy - A Powerful Diagnostic Tool in Source Development. Nuclear Fusion 20.
Journal Article
46, pp. S220 - S238 (2006)
Overview of the RF source development programme at IPP Garching. Nuclear Fusion