Publications of B. Brünner

Journal Article (1)

Journal Article
Wolf, R. C.; Ali, A.; Alonso, A.; Baldzuhn, J.; Beidler, C. D.; Beurskens, M.; Biedermann, C.; Bosch, H.-S.; Bozhenkov, S.; Brakel, R. et al.: Major results from the first plasma campaign of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. Nuclear Fusion 57, 102020 (2017)

Poster (1)

Brünner, B.; Grulke, O.; Klinger, T.: Current sheet formation during driven magnetic reconnection. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP), Hannover (submitted)