Publications of F. Wagner

Conference Paper (174)

Conference Paper
Engelhardt, W.; Sesnic, S.; Lackner, K.; Fussmann, G.; Gernhardt, J.; Glock, E.; Goeler, S. v.; Gottardi, N.; Karger, F.; Klueber, O. et al.: Accumulation of Impurities in the High Density Regime of Pulsator. In: Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, p. D2.1/88. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Oxford (GB). (1979)
Conference Paper
Finkelmeyer, H.; Franzspeck, J.; Gernhardt, J.; Gresser, F.; Haas, G.; Hartz, F.; Herppich, G.; Keilhacker, M.; Klement, G.; Kornherr, M. et al.: Assembly and Commissioning of the ASDEX Tokamak. In: Engineering Problems of Fusion Research, Vol. 3, pp. 1299 - 1302. Engineering Problems of Fusion Research, Vol. 3, San Francisco, CA(US), November 13, 1979 - November 16, 1979. (1979)
Conference Paper
Fussmann, G.; Klueber, O.; Engelhardt, W.; Karger, F.; Gernhardt, J.; Glock, E.; Goeler, S. v.; Gottardi, N.; Lackner, K.; Lisitano, G. et al.: Limitatiom of the Electron Density in the Pulsator Tokamak. In: Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, p. EP5/146. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Oxford (GB). (1979)
Conference Paper
Karger, F.; Engelhardt, W.; Fussmann, G.; Gernhardt, J.; Glock, E.; Goeler, S. v.; Gottardi, N.; Kick, M.; Klueber, O.; Lisitano, G. et al.: Review of Disruptive Phenomena in Pulsator. In: Current Disruption in Toroidal Devices, p. A4. Current Disruption in Toroidal Devices, Garching (DE). (1979)
Conference Paper
Engelhardt, W.; Klueber, O.; Meisel, D.; Murmann, H.; Sesnic, S.; Fussmann, G.; Glock, E.; Gottardi, N.; Karger, F.; Lisitano, G. et al.: Accumulation of Impurities and Stability Behaviour in the High-Density Regime of Pulsator. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 1, pp. 123 - 134. Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Vol. 1, Innsbruck (AT). (1978)
Conference Paper
Wesner, F.; Allgeyer, R.; Broser, E.; Finkelmeyer, H.; Franzspeck, J.; Gernhardt, J.; Gresser, F.; Griek, R.; Haas , G.; Hartz, F. et al.: Status of the ASDEX Tokamak. In: Fusion Technology 1978, Vol. 1, pp. 37 - 42. 10th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1978), Padova, September 04, 1978 - September 09, 1978. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1978)
Conference Paper
Wagner, F.; Mayer, H.M.: Investigation of the Fast Neutral Particle Corona Surrounding the Pulsator Plasma. In: Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Vol. 1, p. 24. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Vol. 1, Prague (CS). (1977)
Conference Paper
Haas, G.; Keilhacker, M.; Poschenrieder, W.; Wagner, F.: Divertor Pumping System of ASDEX. In: Fusion Technology, pp. 73 - 78. Fusion Technology, Garmisch-Partenkirchen (DE). (1976)
Conference Paper
Haas, G.; Keilhacker, M.; Poschenrieder, W.; Wagner, F.: Divertor Pumping System of ASDEX. In: Fusion Technology 1976, pp. 73 - 78. 9th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 1976), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, June 14, 1976 - June 18, 1976. Pergamon Press, Oxford (1976)
Conference Paper
Karger, F.; Lackner, K.; Fussmann, G.; Cannici, B.; Engelhardt, W.; Gernhardt, J.; Glock, E.; Groening, D.E.; Klueber, O.; Lisitano, G. et al.: On the Origin of the Disruptive Instability in the Pulsator_1 Tokamak. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, pp. 267 - 277. Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Berchtesgaden (DE), October 06, 1976 - October 13, 1976. (1976)
Conference Paper
Meisel, D.; Klueber, O.; Cannici, B.; Engelhardt, W.; Fussmann, G.; Gernhardt, J.; Glock, E.; Karger, F.; Lisitano, G.; McCormick, K. et al.: General Properties and Stability Behaviour of High-Density Tokamak Plasma in Pulsator_1. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, pp. 259 - 265. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, Berchtesgaden (DE), October 06, 1976 - October 13, 1976. (1976)
Conference Paper
Wagner, F.; Mayer, H.M.: Neutral Particle Emission of the Pulsator Plasma During High-Density Discharges. In: Plasma Wall Interaction, pp. 149 - 154. Plasma Wall Interaction, Juelich (DE), October 18, 1976 - October 22, 1976. (1976)
Conference Paper
Allgeyer, R.; Broser, E.; Keilhacker, M.; Kornherr, M.; Niedermeyer, H.; Preis, H.; Wedler, H.; Wesner, F.; Frey, H.; Haas, G. et al.: The Design of the ASDEX Tokamak. In: Engineering Problems of Fusion Research, pp. 378 - 382. Engineering Problems of Fusion Research, San Diego, CA(US), November 18, 1975 - November 21, 1975. (1975)
Conference Paper
Murmann, H.; Wagner, F.; Becker, G.; et al.: Analysis of the Invariance Property of the Electron Temperature During Auxiliary Heating in ASDEX: 13.European Conference. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Part 1, Schliersee (DE).
Conference Paper
Steinmetz, K.; Wagner, F.; Wesner, F.; et al.: ICRF H-Mode and 2_Omega_sub.CH/D(H)-Minority Heating on ASDEX: 13.European Conference. Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating, Part 2, Schliersee (DE).

Talk (219)

Wagner, F.: Conclusions – with personal reflections. Course 6 – Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2021. Energy Innovation and Integration for a Clean Environment, Varenna (submitted)
Wagner, F.: Conclusions – with personal reflections. Joint EPS-SIF International School on Energy 2021 – Course 6: Energy Innovation and Integration for a Clean Environment, Virtual (2021)
Wagner, F.: Energieoptionen der Zukunft. Lions Club Grünwald, München (2020)
Wagner, F.: Wohin führt uns diese Energiewende? Rotary Club Martinsried, München (2020)
Wagner, F.: Wohin führt uns diese Energiewende? – Eine Zwischenbilanz. Rotary Club Brandenburger Tor, Berlin (2020)