Publications of J. Boom
All genres
Conference Paper (12)
Conference Paper
Effects of the ICRH resonance position on the profile shape of the W density in JET-ILWH-mode discharges. In: 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, O4.103. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague, July 02, 2018 - July 06, 2018. European Physical Society, Geneva (2018)
Conference Paper
: Preliminary interpretation of the isotope effect on energy confinement in Ohmic discharges in JET-ILW. In: 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P4.159. 44th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Belfast, June 26, 2017 - June 30, 2017. European Physical Society, Geneva (2017)
Conference Paper
: Confinement and pedestal in dimensionless collisionality scans of low triangularity H-mode plasmas in JET-ILW. In: 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P2.130 (Eds. Bingham, R.; Suttrop, W.; Atzeni, S.; Foest, R.; McClements, K. et al.). 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon, June 22, 2015 - June 26, 2015. European Physical Society, Geneva (2015)
Conference Paper
: Experimental characterization of M-Mode in JET tokamak. In: 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P2.133 (Eds. Bingham, R.; Suttrop, W.; Atzeni, S.; Foest, R.; McClements, K. et al.). 42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Lisbon, June 22, 2015 - June 26, 2015. European Physical Society, Geneva (2015)
Conference Paper
Study of the ELM fluctuation characteristics during the mitigation of type-I ELMs. In: 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P2.009 (Eds. Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R. et al.). 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin, June 23, 2014 - June 27, 2014. (2014)
Conference Paper
85, 11D833, (2014)
Dual array 3D electron cyclotron emission imaging at ASDEX Upgrade. 20th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (HTPD 2014), Atlanta, GA, June 01, 2014 - June 05, 2014. Review of Scientific Instruments 27.
Conference Paper
: Effect of the divertor geometry on the pedestal confinement in JET-ILW. In: 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.030 (Eds. Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R. et al.). 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin, June 23, 2014 - June 27, 2014. (2014)
Conference Paper
: Fast-ion redistribution and loss due to edge perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR tokamaks. In: Proceedings of the 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, EX/P6-03. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2012, San Diego, CA, October 08, 2012 - October 13, 2012. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2013)
Conference Paper
: Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results. In: Proceedings of the 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, OV/2-2. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2012, San Diego, CA, October 08, 2012 - October 13, 2012. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2013)
Conference Paper
: Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results. In: Proceedings of the 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, OV/3-1. 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2010, Daejon, October 11, 2010 - October 16, 2010. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2012)
Conference Paper
: I-mode studies at ASDEX Upgrade. In: 38th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers, P5.112 (Eds. Becoulet, A.; Hoang, T.; Stroth, U.). 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, June 27, 2011 - July 01, 2011. European Physical Society, Geneva (2011)
Conference Paper
: Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results. In: Fusion Energy 2008, OV/2-3. 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, October 13, 2008 - October 18, 2008. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2009)
Talk (8)
Effects of the ICRH resonance position on the profile shape of the W density in JET-ILW H-mode discharges. 45th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Prague (submitted)
: Dimensionless scans in low δ baseline JET-ILW plasmas and comparison with JET-C. 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven (2016)
Slow conversion of ideal MHD perturbations into a tearing mode after a sawtooth crash. 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin (submitted)
: Fast-ion losses induced by ELMs and externally applied magnetic perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo (2013)
: Fast-ion dynamics induced by 3D edge perturbations, ELMs and MPs, in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. 531st Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar "3D versus 2D in Hot Plasmas", Bad Honnef (2013)
: MHD Induced Fast-Ion Redistribution and Loss in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak. 12th IAEA Technical Meeting on Energetic Particles in Magnetic Confienment Systems, Austin, TX (2011)
Edge dynamics during the ELM cycle. Workshop on Electric Fields, Turbulence and Self-Organisation in Magnetized Plasmas (EFTSOMP Workshop). Satellite Meeting of the EPS Plasma Physics Conference, Strasbourg (2011)
Charakterisierung und Interpretation der Edge Snake zwischen ELMs an ASDEX Upgrade. DPG AMOP Frühjahrstagung, Hannover (2010)