Publications of O. J. W. F. Kardaun
All genres
Journal Article (65)
Journal Article
64, 0106031 (2024)
Analysis of the periodic variation of pellet ablation radiation intensity in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 2.
Journal Article
64, 112012 (2024)
Overview of T and D–T results in JET with ITER-like wall. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
63, 084001 (2023)
Pellet-fueled I-mode plasmas in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 4.
Journal Article
62, 042006 (2022)
Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development. Nuclear Fusion 5.
Journal Article
61, 016003 (2021)
Stellarator-tokamak energy confinement comparison based on ASDEX Upgrade and Wendelstein 7-X hydrogen plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 6.
Journal Article
61, 076006 (2021)
The updated ITPA global H-mode confinement database: description and analysis. Nuclear Fusion 7.
Journal Article
26, 100941 (2021)
Interaction between filaments and ICRF in the plasma edge. Nuclear Materials and Energy 8.
Journal Article
60, 092003 (2020)
H-mode confinement in the pellet-enforced high-density regime of the all-metal-wall tokamak ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 9.
Journal Article
59, 026003 (2019)
Plasma composition control by mixture pellets at ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 10.
Journal Article
59, 112014 (2019)
Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 11.
Journal Article
59, 074001 (2019)
Blob distortion by radio-frequency induced sheared flow. Nuclear Fusion 12.
Journal Article
58, 036001 (2018)
Feedback controlled, reactor relevant, high-density, high-confinement scenarios at ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 13.
Journal Article
59, 095009 (2017)
An automated sawtooth detection algorithm for strongly varying plasma conditions and crash characteristics. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 14.
Journal Article
57, 036026 (2017)
Correlation analysis for energy losses, waiting times and durations of type I edge-localized modes in the Joint European Torus. Nuclear Fusion 15.
Journal Article
59, 105010 (2017)
Study of near SOL decay lengths in ASDEX Upgrade under attached and detached divertor conditions. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 16.
Journal Article
30 (1), pp. 127 - 144 (2016)
Assigning probabilities to hypotheses in the context of a binomial distribution. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 17.
Journal Article
70 (1), pp. 73 - 82 (2016)
Growth of Axisymmetric Instabilities in ASDEX Upgrade. Fusion Science and Technology 18.
Journal Article
463, pp. 837 - 841 (2015)
Impact of W events and dust on JET-ILW operation. Journal of Nuclear Materials 19.
Journal Article
467, Part 1, p. 394 - 394 (2015)
Corrigendum to: "Impact of W events and dust on JET-ILW operation" [J. Nuclear Mater. 463 (2015) 837–841]. Journal of Nuclear Materials 20.
Journal Article
54, 083009 (2014)
ELM pacing and high-density operation using pellet injection in the ASDEX Upgrade all-metal-wall tokamak. Nuclear Fusion