Publications of P. Starke

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Balden, M.; Starke, P.; Garcia-Rosales, C.; Adelhelm, C.; Sauter, P. A.; Lopez-Galilea, I.; Ordas, N.; Ramos Fernandez, J. M.; Martinez Escandell, M.: Compilation of erosion yields of metal-doped carbon materials by deuterium impact from ion beam and low temperature plasma. Journal of Nuclear Materials 417 (1-3), pp. 612 - 615 (2011)
Journal Article
Starke, P.; Adelhelm, C.; Balden, M.: Erosion Behaviour of Metal-Doped Carbon Layers in Deuterium Low Pressure Plasmas and the Determination by Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Contributions to Plasma Physics 47 (7), pp. 530 - 536 (2007)
Journal Article
Starke, P.; Fantz, U.; Balden, M.: Investigations of chemical erosion of carbon materials in hydrogen and deuterium low pressure plasmas. Journal of Nuclear Materials 337-339, pp. 1005 - 1009 (2005)
Journal Article
Balden, M.; de Juan Pardo, E.; Maier, H.; Starke, P.; Fantz, U.: Chemical Erosion Behaviour of Doped Graphites under Hydrogen Impact - A Comparison of Ion Beam Experiments and Planar Inductively Coupled RF Plasmas. Physica Scripta T111, pp. 123 - 128 (2004)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Starke, P.; Christ-Koch, S.; Krakri, S. K.; Gaman, C.; Fantz, U.; Ellingboe, A. R.: Performance of a Langmuir probe and a hairpin resonance probe in inductively coupled low pressure plasmas. In: 28th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), pp. 1642 - 1644 (Ed. Institute of Plasma Physics). 28th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), Prague, July 15, 2007 - July 20, 2007. (2007)
Conference Paper
Fantz, U.; Starke, P.; Ondak, T.: Diagnostics of Electron Distribution Functions in Planar ICP Sources. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, pp. 201 - 202 (Ed. Goto, T.). 25th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases, Nagoya, 2001. University of Nagoya, Nagoya (2001)

Talk (6)

Friedl, R.; Fantz, U.; Starke, P.: Spektrale Intensität der N2-Strahlung in einer Argon-Niederdruck-Bogenentladung für den Einsatz als Lichtquelle. DPG AMOP Frühjahrstagung, Hannover (2010)
Balden, M.; Starke, P.; Lopez-Galilea, I.; Adelhelm, C.; Filimonow, D.; Ramos Fernandez, J. M.; Martinez Escandell, A.; Centeno, A.; Blanco, C.; Garcia-Rosales, C.: Erosion behavior of self-passivating metal-doped carbon materials under deuterium impact. 1st International Conference on New Materials for Extreme Environments (ExtreMat), San Sebastian (2008)
Balden, M.; Adelhelm, C.; Starke, P.; Lopez Galilea, I.; Garcia-Rosales, C.; Centeno, A.; Blanco, C.; Ramos Fernandez, J.; Martinez Escandell, M.: Erosion of metal-doped carbon materials by hydrogen. 13th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-13), Nice (2007)
Adelhelm, C.; Balden, M.; Starke, P.; Centeno, A.; Blanco, C.; Lopez Galilea, I.; Garcia-Rosales, C.: Deuterium ion beam and plasma exposure experiments of metal-doped carbon materials relevant for fusion applications. European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes (EUROMAT 2007), Nürnberg (2007)
Starke, P.; Christ-Koch, S.; Karkari, S. K.; Gaman, C.; Fantz, U.; Ellingboe, A. R.: Performance of a Langmuir probe and a hairpin resonance probe in inductively coupled low pressure plasmas. 28th International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases (ICPIG), Prague (2007)
Starke, P.; Fantz, U.; Behringer, K.: Interaction and influence of hydrogen and deuterium on chemical erosion of carbon. DPG - Plasma Physics and Short Time-Scale Physics Spring Meeting, Aachen (2003)

Poster (18)

Ertle, D.; Starke, P.; Fantz, U.: Teilchendichten und -flüsse in HF-angeregten Wasserstoffplasmen. DPG AMOP Frühjahrstagung, Hannover (2010)
Vogel, F.; Friedl, R.; Fantz, U.; Starke, P.: Vergleich der Strahlungscharakterisik von Niederdruck-Bogenentladungen mit Stickstoff-Edelgasmischungen. DPG AMOP Frühjahrstagung, Hannover (2010)
Balden, M.; Starke, P.; Garcia-Rosales, C.; Adelhelm, C.; Sauter, P. A.; Lopez-Galilea, I.; Ordas, N.; Centeno, A.; Blanco, C.; Ramos Fernandez, J. M. et al.: Compilation of erosion yields of metal-doped carbon materials by deuterium impact. 14th International Conference on Fusion Reactor Materials (ICFRM-14), Sapporo (2009)
Balden, M.; Starke, P.; Adelhelm, C.; Sauter, P. A.; Lopez-Galilea, I.; Ordas, N.; Garcia-Rosales, C.; Ramos Fernandez, J. M.; Martinez Escandell, M.; Centeno, A. et al.: Chemical sputtering of metal-doped carbon-based materials by deuterium bombardment from ion beam and plasma. 12th International Workshop on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications (PFMC-12), Jülich (2009)
Schmidt, P.; Fantz, U.; Starke, P.: Optische Emissions- und Absorptionsspektroskopie zur Quantifizierung von Caesium in Niedertemperaturplasmen. DPG Frühjahrstagung, Greifswald (2009)
Starke, P.; Balden, M.; Filimonov, D.; Adelhelm, C.; Sauter, P. A.; ExtreMat Partners: Erosionsverhalten dotierter Kohlenstoffmaterialien in Deuterium-Niederdruckplasmen. DPG Frühjahrstagung, Greifswald (2009)
Garcia-Rosales, C.; Lopez-Galilea, I.; Ordas, N.; Adelhelm, C.; Balden, M.; Starke, P.; Pintsuk, G.; Grattarola, M.; Gualco, C.: Testing of TiC-doped isotropic graphite under ITER-relevant divertor conditions. 1st International Conference on New Materials for Extreme Environments (ExtreMat), San Sebastian (2008)
Adelhelm, C.; Balden, M.; Sauter, P.; Starke, P.: Deuterium plasma and ion beam erosion experiments on metal-doped amorphous carbon films. 18th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI 18), Toledo (2008)