Publications of V. Bratanov
All genres
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
18, 075018 (2016)
Linear signatures in nonlinear gyrokinetics: interpreting turbulence with pseudospectra. New Journal of Physics 2.
Journal Article
112 (49), pp. 15048 - 15053 (2015)
New class of turbulence in active fluids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 3.
Journal Article
80 (4), pp. 531 - 551 (2014)
Phase space scales of free energy dissipation in gradient-driven gyrokinetic turbulence. Journal of Plasma Physics 4.
Journal Article
20, 022108 (11pp) (2013)
Aspects of linear Landau damping in discretized systems. Physics of Plasmas 5.
Journal Article
111, 075001 (5pp) (2013)
Nonuniversal Power-law Spectra in Turbulent Systems. Physical Review Letters 6.
Journal Article
111, 175001 (5pp) (2013)
Transition between Saturation Regimes of Gyrokinetic Turbulence. Physical Review Letters Poster (2)
Nonuniversal power-law spectra in turbulent systems. 78. DPG-Jahrestagung und Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP, Berlin (2014)
Nonuniversal power law spectra in turbulent plasmas. HEPP Colloquium 2013, Strausberg (2013)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Nonuniversal features of turbulent systems. Dissertation, 131 pp., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München (2015)