Publications of B. M. U. Scherzer
All genres
Journal Article (24)
Journal Article
245 (1), pp. 60 - 65 (1997)
The hydrogen inventory in plasma exposed graphite surfaces. Journal of Nuclear Materials 2.
Journal Article
241-243, pp. 1087 - 1092 (1997)
Deuterium trapping in and release from tungsten carbide. Journal of Nuclear Materials 3.
Journal Article
122 (1), pp. 113 - 120 (1997)
Simultaneous profiling of hydrogen and deuterium by 2.6 MeV He-4 ERDA using a Delta E-E telescope detector. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 4.
Journal Article
240 (1), pp. 75 - 80 (1996)
Deuterium retention and re-emission from tungsten materials. Journal of Nuclear Materials 5.
Journal Article
78 (1), pp. 137 - 148 (1995)
Helium reemission, desorption and microstructure evolution of graphites under helium ion implantation. Journal of Applied Physics 6.
Journal Article
77 (12), pp. 6609 - 6615 (1995)
Reflection of low energy hydrogen from carbon at oblique incidence. Journal of Applied Physics 7.
Journal Article
220-222, pp. 860 - 864 (1995)
Evaluation of silicon doped CFCs for plasma facing material. Journal of Nuclear Materials 8.
Journal Article
212, pp. 1461 - 1466 (1994)
Oxygen retention in D-ion-irradiated B4C and boron-doped graphites. Journal of Nuclear Materials 9.
Journal Article
85 (1-4), pp. 560 - 565 (1994)
Trapping and reflection coefficients for deuterium in graphite at low energy and oblique incidence. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 10.
Journal Article
85 (1-4), pp. 479 - 483 (1994)
Radiation damage and trapping of helium in HOPG-graphite. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 11.
Journal Article
73 (5), pp. 2225 - 2233 (1993)
Damage and deuterium trapping in highly‐oriented pyrolytic graphite. Journal of Applied Physics 12.
Journal Article
187 (3), pp. 191 - 196 (1992)
Thermal desorption of D2 and CD4 from bulk-boronized graphites. Journal of Nuclear Materials 13.
Journal Article
67 (1-4), pp. 536 - 539 (1992)
Re-emission of deuterium from pure and boronized graphite. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 14.
Journal Article
196, pp. 703 - 707 (1992)
Evolution of CD4 from bulk boronized graphite and B4C during deuterium implantation. Journal of Nuclear Materials 15.
Journal Article
176-177, pp. 208 - 112 (1990)
Trapping and release of D from "saturated" implants in graphite. Journal of Nuclear Materials 16.
Journal Article
176-177, pp. 1010 - 1017 (1990)
Trapping of D in SiC and damage due to implantation. Journal of Nuclear Materials 17.
Journal Article
111/112, p. 669 (1982)
Retention, Re-Emission and Thermal Desorption of He Implanted into Pyrolytic Graphite. Journal of Nuclear Materials 18.
Journal Article
93/94, pp. 608 - 616 (1980)
Trapping and Mutual Release of D and exp.3_He in Molybdenum. Journal of Nuclear Materials 19.
Journal Article
93/94, pp. 498 - 504 (1980)
Evaporation for Heat Pulses on Ni, Mo, W and ATJ Graphite as First Wall Materials. Journal of Nuclear Materials 20.
Journal Article
93/94, pp. 601 - 607 (1980)
Trapping, Detrapping and Replacement of keV Hydrogen Implanted into Graphite. Journal of Nuclear Materials