Publications of M. Hoelzl
All genres
Conference Paper (65)
Conference Paper
Nonlinear MHD simulations of QH-mode plasmas in DIII-D. In: 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, O5.135 (Eds. Ratynskaia, S.; Mantica, P.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Dilecce, G.; Bingham, R. et al.). 41st EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Berlin, June 23, 2014 - June 27, 2014. (2014)
Conference Paper
Fast-ion redistribution and loss due to edge perturbations in the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D and KSTAR tokamaks. In: Proceedings of the 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, EX/P6-03. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2012, San Diego, CA, October 08, 2012 - October 13, 2012. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2013)
Conference Paper
Angioni, C.; Borghesi, M.). 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Espoo, July 01, 2013 - July 05, 2013. European Physical Society, Geneva (2013)
MGI in plasmas with locked modes. In: 40th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, O5.104 (Eds. Naulin, V.; 204.
Conference Paper
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results. In: Proceedings of the 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, OV/2-2. 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2012, San Diego, CA, October 08, 2012 - October 13, 2012. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2013)
Conference Paper
Toroidally and Poloidally Localized ELMs. In: 39th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers, P1.048 (Eds. Ratynskaya, S.; Blomberg, L.; Fasoli, A.). 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and 16th International Congress on Plasma Physics, Stockholm, July 02, 2012 - July 06, 2012. European Physical Society, Geneva (2012)
Conference Paper
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results. In: Proceedings of the 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, OV/3-1. 23rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference 2010, Daejon, October 11, 2010 - October 16, 2010. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2012)
Conference Paper
Stroth, U.). 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Strasbourg, June 27, 2011 - July 01, 2011. European Physical Society, Geneva (2011)
Reduced-MHD Simulations of Edge Localized Modes in ASDEX Upgrade. In: 38th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers, P2.078 (Eds. Becoulet, A.; Hoang, T.; 208.
Conference Paper
Simulation of Heat Transport Across Magnetic Islands in TEXTOR. In: 36th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics. Contributed Papers, P-1.183 (Eds. Mateev, M.; Benova, E.). 36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia, June 29, 2009 - July 03, 2009. European Physical Society, Geneva (2009)
Conference Paper
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results. In: Fusion Energy 2008, OV/2-3. 22nd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Geneva, October 13, 2008 - October 18, 2008. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2009)
Conference Paper
Heat Diffusion Across Magnetic Islands and Ergodized Plasma Regions in Realistic Tokamak Geometry. In: 35th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics and 10th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets. Contributed Papers, P-2.064 (Eds. Lalousis, P.; Moustaizis, S.). 35th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics and 10th International Workshop on Fast Ignition of Fusion Targets, Hersonissos, Crete, June 09, 2008 - June 13, 2008. European Physical Society, Geneva (2008)
Meeting Abstract (4)
Meeting Abstract
(VI) 55 (1), P 21.2. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP), Hannover, March 08, 2020 - March 13, 2020. DPG, Bad Honnef (submitted)
MHD simulations of ELM cycles in ASDEX Upgrade. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 212.
Meeting Abstract
(VI) 55 (1), P 10.10. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP), Hannover, March 08, 2020 - March 13, 2020. DPG, Bad Honnef (submitted)
Implementation and testing of stellarator-capable models in JOREK. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 213.
Meeting Abstract
(VI) 55 (1), P 16.3. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP), Hannover, March 08, 2020 - March 13, 2020. DPG, Bad Honnef (submitted)
Non-linear MHD Assessments of Stellarator-like Tokamaks. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 214.
Meeting Abstract
(VI) 55 (1), P 10.9. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP), Hannover, March 08, 2020 - March 13, 2020. DPG, Bad Honnef (submitted)
Towards nonlinear simulations of mitigated disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Talk (159)
Runaway electron beam termination and impact in ITER. 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca (submitted)
Hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations of runaway electron beam termination events in realistic 3D tokamak geometry. 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca (submitted)
Hybrid kinetic-MHD simulations of runaway electron beam termination events. Joint Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) and JET SPI Analysis Meeting, Lausanne (submitted)
Towards the simulation of RE beam termination in DTT. Joint Runaway Electron Modelling (REM) and JET SPI Analysis Meeting, Lausanne (2024)
Overview of the ASDEX Upgrade shattered pellet injection studies. 3rd Technical Meeting on Plasma Disruptions and their Mitigation, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance (submitted)
Overview of shattered pellet injection studies at ASDEX Upgrade. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA (submitted)