Publications of A. Bergmann
All genres
Journal Article (49)
Journal Article
67, 025008 (2025)
Particle-in-cell methods in edge plasma physics: the PICLS code. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 2.
Journal Article
64, 096009 (2024)
Energetic particles transport in constants of motion space due to collisions in tokamak plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
299, 109155 (2024)
Verification of the Fourier-enhanced 3D finite element Poisson solver of the gyrokinetic full-f code PICLS. Computer Physics Communications 4.
Journal Article
64, 112001 (2024)
Overview of ASDEX upgrade results in view of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 5.
Journal Article
30, 072103 (2023)
Gyrokinetic simulations of neoclassical electron transport and bootstrap current generation in tokamak plasmas in the TRIMEG code. Physics of Plasmas 6.
Journal Article
62, 042006 (2022)
Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development. Nuclear Fusion 7.
Journal Article
60 (5-6), e201900117 (2020)
Collisional gyrokinetic full-f particle-in-cell simulations on open field lines with PICLS. Contributions to Plasma Physics 8.
Journal Article
60 (5-6), e201900114 (2020)
First EMC3-EIRENE modelling of JT-60SA edge plasmas with/without resonant magnetic perturbation field. Contributions to Plasma Physics 9.
Journal Article
26, 122302 (2019)
Gyrokinetic full-f particle-in-cell simulations on open field lines with PICLS. Physics of Plasmas 10.
Journal Article
59, 112014 (2019)
Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 11.
Journal Article
42 (5), pp. 450 - 464 (2016)
Kinetic effects on the currents determining the stability of a magnetic island in tokamaks. Plasma Physics Reports 12.
Journal Article
55, 013018 (2015)
Influence of externally applied magnetic perturbations on neoclassical tearing modes at ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 13.
Journal Article
55, 123002 (2015)
Collisionality dependence of edge rotation and ion-out impurity asymmetries in ASDEX Upgrade H-mode plasmas. Nuclear Fusion 14.
Journal Article
54, 012003 (2014)
Evidence for the neoclassical nature of the radial electric field in the edge transport barrier of ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 15.
Journal Article
53, 104003 (9pp) (2013)
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results. Nuclear Fusion 16.
Journal Article
55, 124037 (10pp) (2013)
Rotation and density asymmetries in the presence of large poloidal impurity flows in the edge pedesta (invited paper). Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 17.
Journal Article
51, 094012 (11pp) (2011)
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. Nuclear Fusion 18.
Journal Article
16, 092507 (2009)
The bootstrap current in small rotating magnetic islands. Physics of Plasmas 19.
Journal Article
49, 075013 (8pp) (2009)
Bootstrap current calculations with the SPBSC and the VENUS+δf codes for the Large Helical Device. Nuclear Fusion 20.
Journal Article
49, 104009 (9pp) (2009)
Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. Nuclear Fusion