Publications of T. Schulz

Poster (3)

Moseev, D.; Ochoukov, R.; Bobkov, V.; Dendy, R.; Faugel, H.; Laqua, H. P.; Marsen, S.; McClements, K. G.; Salewski, M.; Schulz, T. et al.: Development of the ion cyclotron emission diagnostic for the W7-X stellarator. 23rd Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (HTPD 2020), Virtual (submitted)
Braune, H.; Erckmann, V.; Laqua, H. P.; Marsen, S.; Noke, F.; Purps, F.; Schneider, N.; Schulz, T.; Stange, T.; Uhren, P. et al.: W7-X ECRH Plant – Control System Design Features. 25th International Toki Conference (ITC 25), Toki (2015)
Braune, H.; Erckmann, V.; Jonitz, L.; Kasparek, W.; Laqua, H. P.; Michel, G.; Noke, F.; Purps, F.; Schulz, T.; Uhren, P. et al.: Integrated commissioning of ECRH for W7-X. 38th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2013), Mainz (2013)