Publications of D. Yordanov
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
65, 014001 (2025)
ITER-relevant 600 s steady-state extraction of negative hydrogen ions at the test facility ELISE. Nuclear Fusion 2.
Journal Article
64, 086063 (2024)
Contributions of the extended ELISE and BATMAN Upgrade test facilities to the roadmap towards ITER NBI. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
2743, 012026 (2024)
Towards ITER-Relevant CW Extraction at Negative Ion Sources for Fusion. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 4.
Journal Article
2743, 012034 (2024)
Plasma homogeneity over the extraction beamlet groups at the half size ITER negative ion source at ELISE test facility. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 5.
Journal Article
18, C10024 (2023)
Paving the road towards ITER relevant long deuterium pulses at ELISE by investigating improved operational scenarios. Journal of Instrumentation 6.
Journal Article
2244, 012049 (2022)
Ion source developments at IPP: On the road towards achieving the ITER-NBI targets and preparing concepts for DEMO. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 7.
Journal Article
2244, 012050 (2022)
On the effect of biased surfaces in the vicinity of the large extraction area of the ELISE test facility. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 8.
Journal Article
61, 096023 (2021)
NNBI for ITER: status of long pulses in deuterium at the test facilities BATMAN Upgrade and ELISE. Nuclear Fusion Talk (7)
Towards long pulse operation of N-NBI ion sources. 2nd Technical Meeting on Long-Pulse Operation of Fusion Devices, Vienna (submitted)
CW beam extraction from the NBI test facility ELISE: Approaching the ITER target values. 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (submitted)
Contributions of the Extended ELISE and BATMAN Upgrade. 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023), London (submitted)
Towards ITER-Relevant CW extraction at Negative Ion Sources for Fusion. 20th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS 2023), Victoria, BC (submitted)
Plasma homogeneity over one extraction beamlet group at the half size ITER negative ion source at ELISE test facility. 20th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS 2023), Victoria, BC (submitted)
Electronegative hydrogen plasmas: production, diagnostics and application. 25th Europhysics Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases (ESCAMPIG 2022), Paris (submitted)
Paving the road towards ITER relevant long deuterium pulses at ELISE by investigating improved operational scenarios. 8th International Symposium on Negative Ions, Beams and Sources (NIBS 2022), Padova, Virtual (submitted)
Poster (3)
Plasma property investigations during negative ion beam extraction in a half-sized ITER NBI ion source at ELISE test facility. 33rd Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT 2024), Dublin (submitted)
Plasma diagnostics, ELISE operation and modelling. EUROfusion Experts Visit to ITER, Cadarache (submitted)
On the Effect of Biased Surfaces in the Vicinity of the Extraction Area at the Large RF Driven Negative Ion Source at the ELISE Test Facility. 19th International Conference on Ion Sources (ICIS 2021), Virtual (submitted)