The IPP and ITER
IPP is developing and building sub-components for ITER, is developing operation scenarios with experiments on ASDEX Upgrade as well as with plasma theoretical models and numerical simulations.

Installation work in the plasma vessel. Visible at the bottom are the collector plates of the divertor.
IPP is contributing to the preparation of ITER through the research programme being conducted on its ASDEX Upgrade fusion device. IPP scientists are also maintaining close contact with the ITER group in all physics-oriented questions and are treating special problems for ITER in numerous contract studies.
Examples are:
- Disruption Mitigation
- Disruption Simulations
- Gentle wall contact – the right scenario for a fusion power plant
- Continuous operation of tokamaks getting closer
- Plasma control system for ITER
- Plasma stability made to measure
- Keeping them clean - high-power plasmas for ITER
- Wanted: the right wall material for ITER
- Stable plasma for ITER
- ASDEX Upgrade banishes instabilities
The ITER Technology and Diagnostics division accommodates the technological development contributed by IPP to ITER: participation in development of neutral particle heating and development of various diagnostics for ITER. Examples: