Publications Prof. Dr. Karl Lackner

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Green, B.J.; Jacquinot, J.; Lackner, K.; Gibson, A.: The Scaling of Plasma beta in a Tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 16, 3, pp. 521 - 523 (1976)
Journal Article
Lackner, K.: Computation of Ideal MHD Equilibria. Computer Physics Communication 12, pp. 33 - 44 (1976)

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Becker, G.; Lackner, K.: Axisymmetric Instabilities of Non-Circular Plasma Cross-Sections and Computation of Highly Elongated Tokamak Equilibria. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, pp. 401 - 409. Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Berchtesgaden (DE), October 06, 1976 - October 13, 1976. (1976)
Conference Paper
Karger, F.; Lackner, K.; Fussmann, G.; Cannici, B.; Engelhardt, W.; Gernhardt, J.; Glock, E.; Groening, D.E.; Klueber, O.; Lisitano, G. et al.: On the Origin of the Disruptive Instability in the Pulsator_1 Tokamak. In: Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, pp. 267 - 277. Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Berchtesgaden (DE), October 06, 1976 - October 13, 1976. (1976)
Conference Paper
Lackner, K.: Axisymmetric Stability of Numerically Computed Tokamak Equilibria. In: Computational Physics, p. C4. Computational Physics, Garching (DE). (1976)