Publications Prof. Dr. Karl Lackner
Journal Article (6)
Journal Article
59, 066038 (2019)
Seeding of neoclassical tearing modes by internal crash events in the ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D tokamaks. Nuclear Fusion 2.
Journal Article
: Numerical study of tearing mode seeding in tokamak X-point plasma. Physics of Plasmas 26, 042504 (2019)
Journal Article
: Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 59, 112014 (2019)
Journal Article
26, 102109 (2019)
A three-dimensional reduced MHD model consistent with full MHD. Physics of Plasmas 5.
Journal Article
: Non-linear modeling of the threshold between ELM mitigation and ELM suppression by resonant magnetic perturbations in ASDEX upgrade. Physics of Plasmas 26, 042503 (2019)
Journal Article
59, 106053 (2019)
Numerical study on toroidal mode coupling and triggering of neoclassical tearing modes by sawteeth. Nuclear Fusion Conference Paper (3)
Conference Paper
Seeding of Tearing Modes by Internal Crash Events in ASDEX Upgrade and DIII-D Tokamaks. In: 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, EX/P8-21. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (Ahmedabad), October 22, 2018 - October 27, 2018. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2019)
Conference Paper
Effect of applied resonant magnetic perturbations on local plasma current density gradient and stability of m/n=2/1 magnetic island. In: 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P2.1019 (Eds. Riconda, C.; Brezinsek, S.; McCarty, K.; Lancaster, K.; Burgess, D. et al.). 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan, July 08, 2019 - July 12, 2019. European Physical Society, Geneva (2019)
Conference Paper
NTM Excitation by Sawtooth Crashes and the Suppression of their Onset by Resonant Magnetic Perturbation. In: 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, TH/P5-19. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (Ahmedabad), October 22, 2018 - October 27, 2018. International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (2019)
Meeting Abstract (2)
Meeting Abstract
(VI) 55 (1), P 10.10. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP), Hannover, March 08, 2020 - March 13, 2020. DPG, Bad Honnef (submitted)
Implementation and testing of stellarator-capable models in JOREK. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 11.
Meeting Abstract
(VI) 55 (1), P 16.3. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP), Hannover, March 08, 2020 - March 13, 2020. DPG, Bad Honnef (submitted)
Non-linear MHD Assessments of Stellarator-like Tokamaks. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Talk (4)
Validation of the Fenix ASDEX Upgrade flight simulator. 12th IAEA Technical Meeting on Control, Data Acquisition and Remote Participation for Fusion Research (CODAC 2019), Daejeon (submitted)
: FENIX – ASDEX Upgrade Flight Simulator. 21st International Summer School on Vacuum, Electron and Ion Technologies, Sozopol (submitted)
Magnetic flux pumping in hybrid tokamak discharges studied by means of 3D nonlinear MHD simulations. 31th NNV-Symposium on Plasma Physics and Radiation Technology, Lunteren (submitted)
A three-dimensional reduced MHD model consistent with full MHD. 18th European Fusion Theory Conference (EFTC 2019), Ghent (submitted)
Poster (2)
Towards Linear and Non-linear Assessments of Quasi-axisymmetric Stellarators. 22nd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop 2019 (ISHW 2019), Madison, WI (submitted)
Effect of applied resonant magnetic perturbations on local plasma current density gradient and stability of m/n=2/1 magnetic island. 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan (submitted)