MaxEnt 2023




Submission of Papers

All accepted papers will be presented at the meeting either as contributed talks or as posters. The registration of at least one author and the presentation of the work at the event are preconditions for its publication in the proceedings. This will be strictly enforced. Manuscripts not exceeding 9 pages should be prepared using the Microsoft Word template or LaTex template and are due at the beginning of the conference on July 3rd, 2023.

Please follow the guidelines of the MDPI-proceedings website regarding manuscript preparation and the preparation of figures, tables, etc.

You will need to provide your manuscript in electronic form sent by email to not later than June 30th 2023 plus two (2) paper copies to be delivered as soon as possible on Monday morning. The papers will be refereed during the conference week. You may be asked to referee paper(s) of other authors on site.



Submission Policy

Papers that are currently under review or have already been accepted or published in a refereed venue, including conferences and journals, may not be submitted. Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity of writing. Authors are encouraged to make data and code publicly available when possible.



Published Proceedings

The proceedings will be published online in open access format in the MDPI journal Proceedings. Selected authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper for a Special Edition of the journal Entropy.