MaxEnt 2023
Submission of Abstracts
Contributed papers are requested on the innovative use of Bayesian methods or the maximum entropy principle. The abstract should clearly summarize the new work to be presented. We plan to organize the timetable in contributed papers of 20 minutes with additional 5 minutes for discussion. Speakers are requested to keep strictly to the time allocated for their presentations.
The deadline for receipt of abstracts was extended to the 31st March 2023.
Notification of acceptance for oral or poster presentation will be mailed before 1st April 2023.
The abstracts should be written in LaTeX or in Word, limited to one page, and sent in PDF-format (Word-format gets blocked).
Details can be found in the generic LaTeX, the Microsoft Office Document and the Open Office Document forms for the abstracts.
Save it into a local file, fill it up and e-mail it to
Specify preference for an oral or poster presentation.
Examples of the generic LaTeX form: