Publications of F. Janky
All genres
Journal Article (24)
Journal Article
64, 112008 (2024)
Recent progress of JT-60SA project toward plasma operation. Nuclear Fusion 2.
Journal Article
64, 044002 (2022)
The modeling of a tokamak plasma discharge, from first principles to a flight simulator. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 3.
Journal Article
179, 113123 (2022)
Impact of the plasma operation on the technical requirements in EU-DEMO. Fusion Engineering and Design 4.
Journal Article
62, 042006 (2022)
Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development. Nuclear Fusion 5.
Journal Article
61, 025001 (2021)
X-point radiation, its control and an ELM suppressed radiating regime at the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Nuclear Fusion 6.
Journal Article
163, 112126 (2021)
Validation of the Fenix ASDEX Upgrade flight simulator. Fusion Engineering and Design 7.
Journal Article
61, 016002 (2021)
Developments towards an ELM-free pedestal radiative cooling scenario using noble gas seeding in ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 8.
Journal Article
26, 100897 (2021)
Impact of plasma-wall interaction and exhaust on the EU-DEMO design. Nuclear Materials and Energy 9.
Journal Article
77 (3), pp. 199 - 205 (2021)
Targeting a Versatile Actuator for EU-DEMO: Novel Control Scheme for Multisource Pellet Injector. Fusion Science and Technology 10.
Journal Article
173, 112931 (2021)
Basic design considerations for a frequency step-tunable electron cyclotron wave system to suppress NTMs in DEMO. Fusion Engineering and Design 11.
Journal Article
159, 111735 (2020)
Use of virtual actuators in ASDEX Upgrade control. Fusion Engineering and Design 12.
Journal Article
156, 111591 (2020)
Optimizing the EU-DEMO pellet fuelling scheme. Fusion Engineering and Design 13.
Journal Article
156, 111603 (2020)
DEMO physics challenges beyond ITER. Fusion Engineering and Design 14.
Journal Article
146, Pt. A, pp. 465 - 472 (2019)
Diagnostics for plasma control – From ITER to DEMO. Fusion Engineering and Design 15.
Journal Article
147, 111211 (2019)
Model-based real-time plasma electron density profile estimation and control on ASDEX Upgrade and TCV. Fusion Engineering and Design 16.
Journal Article
18, pp. 159 - 165 (2019)
Stationarity of I-mode operation and I-mode divertor heat fluxes on the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Nuclear Materials and Energy 17.
Journal Article
146, Pt. B, pp. 1926 - 1929 (2019)
ASDEX Upgrade flight simulator development. Fusion Engineering and Design 18.
Journal Article
146, Pt. A, pp. 1145 - 1148 (2019)
Actuator management development on ASDEX-Upgrade. Fusion Engineering and Design 19.
Journal Article
59, 086020 (2019)
Dependence on plasma shape and plasma fueling for small edge-localized mode regimes in TCV and ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion 20.
Journal Article
59, 112014 (2019)
Overview of physics studies on ASDEX Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion