Publications of M. Bergmann
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
64, 056024 (2024)
Plasma profile reconstruction supported by kinetic modeling. Nuclear Fusion 2.
Journal Article
64, 066020 (2024)
Impact of supra-thermal particles on plasma performance at ASDEX Upgrade with GENE-Tango simulations. Nuclear Fusion 3.
Journal Article
5, 045015 (2024)
Multi-fidelity Gaussian process surrogate modeling for regression problems in physics. Machine Learning: Science and Technology 4.
Journal Article
64, 112001 (2024)
Overview of ASDEX upgrade results in view of ITER and DEMO. Nuclear Fusion 5.
Journal Article
30, 082304 (2023)
Isotope effects on energy transport in the core of ASDEX-Upgrade tokamak plasmas: Turbulence measurements and model validation. Physics of Plasmas 6.
Journal Article
62, 106025 (2022)
Global gyrokinetic simulations of ASDEX Upgrade up to the transport timescale with GENE–Tango. Nuclear Fusion 7.
Journal Article
62, 042006 (2022)
Progress from ASDEX Upgrade experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development. Nuclear Fusion Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
Changes in core electron temperature fluctuations and transport with isotopic mass in L-mode plasmas at ASDEX-Upgrade. In: 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, P5.1075 (Eds. Giruzzi, G.; Arnas, C.; Borba, D.; Gopla, A.; Lebedev, S. et al.). 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual, June 21, 2021 - June 25, 2021. European Physical Society, Geneva (2021)
Meeting Abstract (1)
Meeting Abstract
(VI) 55 (1), P 5.10. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Atome, Moleküle, Quantenoptik und Plasmen (SAMOP), Hannover, March 08, 2020 - March 13, 2020. DPG, Bad Honnef (submitted)
Integrated Data Analysis 2.0. In: Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Talk (8)
Integrated Data Analysis augmented by kinetic modeling. 5th IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Ghent (submitted)
Impact of supra-thermal particles on plasma performances at ASDEX Upgrade with GENE-Tango simulations. 27th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting (TTF 2023), Nancy (submitted)
Scale resolved multi-field gyrokinetic code validation. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Denver, CO (submitted)
Introduction and Uncertainty Quantification of Kinetic Models in the Integrated Data Analysis Framework. 86. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Materie und Kosmos (SMuK), Dresden (submitted)
Comprehensive experimental turbulence measurements for scale-resolved multichannel gyrokinetic code validation. 2022 US-EU Joint Transport Taskforce Workshop (TTF 2022), Santa Rosa, CA (submitted)
Comprehensive experimental turbulence measurements for scale-resolved multichannel gyrokinetic code validation. 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Pittsburgh, PA (submitted)
Experimental validation of gyrokinetic simulation with scale-resolved multi-field turbulence measurements. DPG-Frühjahrstagung der Fachverbände Physik der Hadronen und Kerne, Plasmaphysik und des Arbeitskreises Beschleunigerphysik
, Mainz, Virtual (submitted)
Changes in core electron temperature fluctuations and transport with isotopic mass in L-mode plasmas at ASDEX-Upgrade. 25th Joint EU-US Transport Task Force Meeting, Virtual (submitted)
Poster (6)
Kinetic modeling prior applied to the Integrated Data Analysis Framework. 50th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Salamanca (submitted)
Towards first-principles simulations of the L- to H-mode transition with the global gyrokinetic turbulence code GENE-X. 19th International Workshop on H-mode Physics and Transport Barriers (HMWS 2024), Mito (submitted)
High-fidelity Performance Predictions for Tokamaks and Stellarators: from Existing Devices to Burning Plasma Experiments. 29th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2023), London (submitted)