Publications of H. Niemann

Talk (48)

Knieps, A.; Beurskens, M.; Bozhenkov, S.; Dinklage, A.; Endler, M.; Gao, Y.; Geiger, J.; Jakubowski, M.; Liang, Y.; Koenig, R. et al.; Neuner, U.; Niemann, H.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Rahbarnia, K.; Schilling, J.; Suzuki, Y.; Thomsen, H.; Zhou, S.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Plasma beta effects on the island divertor of Wendelstein 7-X. 5th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics (AAPPS-DPP 2020) , Virtual (submitted)
Knieps, A.; Suzuki, Y.; Geiger, J.; Dinklage, A.; Zhou, S.; Rahbarnia, K.; Jakubowski, M.; König, R.; Niemann, H.; Beurskens, M. et al.; Bozhenkov, S.; Liang, Y.; Endler, M.; Schilling, J.; Neuner, U.; Gao, Y.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Thomsen, H.: Plasma beta effects on the island divertor of Wendelstein 7-X. 10th International Workshop on "Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas (SFP)" – 3D Physics in Stellarators and Tokamaks, Wuhan (submitted)
Puig Sitjes, A.; Jakubowski, M.; Naujoks, D.; Gao, Y.; Drewelow, P.; Niemann, H.; Felinger, J.; Moncada, V.; Pisano, F.; Belafdil, C. et al.; Mitteau, R.; Aumeunier, M. H.; Cannas, B.; Casas, J. R.; Salembier, P.; Clemente, R.; Fischer, S.; Winter, A.; Laqua, H.; Bluhm, T.; Brandt, K.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Real-time detection of overloads on the plasma facing components of W7-X. 4th European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD 2021), Virtual (submitted)
Hammond, K. C.; Gao, Y.; Jakubowski, M.; Killer, C.; Niemann, H.; Rudischhauser, L.; Ali, A.; Andreeva, T.; Blackwell, B. D.; Brunner, K. J. et al.; Cannas, B.; Drewelow, P.; Drews, P.; Endler, M.; Feng, Y.; Geiger, J.; Grulke, O.; Knauer, J.; Klose, S.; Lazerson, S.; Otte, M.; Pisano, F.; Neuner, U.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Rahbarnia, K.; Schilling, J.; Thomsen, H.; Wurden, G. A.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Drift effects on fluxes of heat and particles to plasma-facing components in W7-X. 47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual (submitted)
Jakubowski, M.; Dinklage, A.; Endler, M.; Feng, Y.; Gao, Y.; Fuchert, G.; König, R.; Kremeyer, T.; Krychowiak, M.; Otte, M. et al.; Niemann, H.; Perseo, V.; Winters, V.; Reimold, F.; Rudischhauser, L.; Schlisio, G.; Schmitz, O.; Pedersen, T. S.; Brezinsek, S.; Burhenn, R.; Drewelow, P.; Drews, P.; Effenberg, F.; Hammond, K.; Killer, C.; Knieps, A.; Lore, J. D.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Wang, E.; Wenzel, U.; Wurden, G.; Zhang, D.: Overview of the Results from the Divertor Experiments at Wendelstein 7-X and their Implications for Steady State Operation. 28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2020), Virtual (submitted)
Äkäslompolo, S.; Bozhenkov, S.; Kazakov, Y.; Harder, N. d.; Hartmann, D.; Dhard, C. P.; Mayer, M.; McNeely, P.; Rust, N.; Poloskei, P. Z. et al.; Jansen van Vuuren, A.; Neelis, T. W. C.; Ford, O.; Vano, L.; Geiger, B.; Schmitt, J.; Ogawa, K.; Isobe, M.; Killer, C.; Drewelow, P.; Gao, Y.; Ali, A.; Fellinger, J.; Hathiramani, D.; Jakubowski, M.; Niemann, H.; Wurden, G.; Pisano, F.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Sleczka, M.; Geiger, J.; Wolf, R. C.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Results from the first W7-X fast ion experiments. 19th Coordinated Working Group Meeting, Berlin (2019)
Effenberg, F.; Brezinsek, S.; Feng, Y.; Jakubowski, M.; König, R.; Krychowiak, M.; Niemann, H.; Otte, M.; Reimold, F.; Schmitz, O. et al.; Zhang, D.; Barbui, T.; Burhenn, R.; Buttenschön, B.; Frerichs, H.; Gao, Y.; Perseo, V.; Winters, V.; Pedersen, T. S.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Radiative Power Exhaust in the Island Divertor and Access to Controlled Detachment with Impurity Seeding. 22nd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop 2019 (ISHW 2019), Madison, WI (submitted)
Effenberg, F.; Brezinsek, S.; Feng, Y.; Jakubowski, M.; König, R.; Krychowiak, M.; Niemann, H.; Reimold, F.; Schmitz, O.; Zhang, D. et al.; Barbui, T.; Burhenn, R.; Buttenschön, B.; Frerichs, H.; Geiger, J.; Kocsis, G.; Lore, J. D.; Otte, M.; Perseo, V.; Pedersen, T. S.; Suzuki, Y.; Szepesi, T.; Winters, V.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Impurity Seeding for Radiative Power Exhaust in the W7-X Island Divertor. 19th Coordinated Working Group Meeting, Berlin (2019)
Hammond, K. C.; Ali, A.; Barbui, T.; Blackwell, B. D.; Drewelow, P.; Drews, P.; Endler, M.; Feng, Y.; Gao, Y.; Geiger, J. et al.; Grulke, O.; Jakubowski, M.; Killer, C.; Klose, S.; Krychowiak, M.; Niemann, H.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Rudischhauser, L.; Windisch, T.: The role of particle drifts in W7-X divertor heat load asymmetries. 19th Coordinated Working Group Meeting, Berlin (2019)
Hammond, K. C.; Gao, Y.; Jakubowski, M.; Killer, C.; Niemann, H.; Rudischhauser, L.; Ali, A.; Andreeva, T.; Blackwell, B. D.; Brunner, K. J. et al.; Cannas, B.; Drewelow, P.; Drews, P.; Endler, M.; Feng, Y.; Geiger, J.; Grulke, O.; Knauer, J.; Klose, S.; Lazerson, S.; Otte, M.; Pisano, F.; Neuner, U.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Rahbarnia, K.; Schilling, J.; Thomsen, H.; Wurden, G. A.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Drift effects on W7-X divertor heat and particle fluxes. 22nd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop 2019 (ISHW 2019), Madison, WI (submitted)
Hammond, K.; Jakubowski, M.; Killer, C.; Niemann, H.; Rudischhauser, L.; Endler, M.; Feng, Y.; Otte, M.; Gao, Y.; Blackwell, B. et al.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Drift effects on W7-X edge heat and particle fluxes. 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, Fort Lauderdale, FL (submitted)
Jakubowski, M.; Brezinsek, S.; Drewelow, P.; Kremeyer, T.; Laqua, H.; Niemann, H.; Winters, V.; Buttenschön, B.; Dinklage, A.; Gao, Y. et al.; Endler, M.; Pedersen, T. S.; Schmitz, O.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Long-pulse operation of Wendelstein 7-X in attached scenarios. 24th International Conference on Plasma Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI 24) (virtual), Jeju (submitted)
Jakubowski, M.; Krychowiak, M.; König, R.; Gao, Y.; Niemann, H.; Laqua, H.; Otte, M.; Schmitz, O.; Pedersen, T. S.; Winters, V. et al.; Anda, G.; Brezinsek, S.; Barbui, T.; Biedermann, C.; Bozhenkov, S.; Cannas, B.; Drewelow, P.; Dunai, D.; Effenberg, F.; Endler, M.; Ennis, D. A.; Ford, O.; Fuchert, G.; Gradic, D.; Hammond, K.; Harris, J.; Hirsch, M.; Knauer, J.; Kornejew, P.; Kocsis, G.; Kremeyer, T.; Pasch, E.; Perseo, V.; Reimold, F.; Rudischhauser, L.; Schlisio, G.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Sleczka, M.; Pisano, F.; Stange, T.; Szepesi, T.; Wang, E.; Wenzel, U.; Vecsei, M.; Zhang, D.; Zoletnik, S.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Towards steady-state operation of island divertor at Wendelstein 7-X. 22nd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop 2019 (ISHW 2019), Madison, WI (submitted)
Otte, M.; König, R.; Krychowiak, M.; Jakubowski, M.; Feng, Y.; Schmitz, O.; Dunai, D.; Effenberg, F.; Reimold, F.; Brezinsek, S. et al.; Anda, G.; Barbui, T.; Biedermann, C.; Bozhenkov, S.; Cannas, B.; Drewelow, P.; Endler, M.; Ennis, D. A.; Ford, O.; Fuchert, G.; Gao, Y.; Gradic, D.; Hammond, K.; Harris, J.; Hirsch, M.; Knauer, J.; Kornejew, P.; Kocsis, G.; Kremeyer, T.; Niemann, H.; Pasch, E.; Perseo, V.; Rudischhauser, L.; Schlisio, G.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Sleczka, M.; Pedersen, T. S.; Pisano, F.; Szepesi, T.; Wang, E.; Wenzel, U.; Vecsei, M.; Winters, V.; Zhang, D.; Zoletnik, S.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Edge Plasma Properties from the first Island Divertor Campaign at Wendelstein 7-X. 22nd International Stellarator and Heliotron Workshop 2019 (ISHW 2019), Madison, WI (submitted)
Pisano, F.; Cannas, B.; Fanni, A.; Sias, G.; Jakubowski, M. W.; Niemann, H.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Gao, Y.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Tools for Image Analysis and First Wall Protection at W7-X. 3rd IAEA Technical Meeting on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Vienna (submitted)
Puig Sitjes, A.; Gao, Y.; Jakubowski, M.; Drewelow, P.; Niemann, H.; Ali, A.; Moncada, V.; Pisano, F.; Ngo, T. T.; Cannas, B. et al.; Sleczka, M.; Äkäslompolo, S.; Bozhenkov, S.; Endler, M.; König, R.; Krychowiak, M.; Lazerson, S. A.; Lore, J. D.; Wurden, G. A.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Observation of thermal events on the plasma facing components of Wendelstein 7-X. 3rd European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD 2019), Lisbon (submitted)
Schmitz, O.; Jakubowski, M.; Koenig, R.; Krychowiak, M.; Reimold, F.; Anda, G.; Barbui, T.; Biedermann, C.; Bozhenkov, S.; Brezinsek, S. et al.; Drewelow, P.; Effenberg, F.; Ennis, D. A.; Feng, Y.; Flom, E.; Frerichs, H.; Ford, O.; Fuchert, G.; Gao, Y.; Gradic, D.; Hammond, K. C.; Knauer, J.; Kornejew, P.; Kocsis, G.; Kremeyer, T.; Niemann, H.; Otte, M.; Pasch, E.; Perseo, V.; Schlisio, G.; Pedersen, T. S.; Szepesi, T.; Wenzel, U.; Winters, V.; Wurden, G. A.; Zhang, D.; Zoletnik, S.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: First-time realization of a stably detached, efficient-particle-exhaust divertor regime in the island divertor at Wendelstein 7-X. 46th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Milan (submitted)
Zhang, D.; Baldzuhn, J.; Brakel, R.; Brezinsek, S.; Burhenn, R.; Buttenschön, B.; Feng, Y.; Giannone, L.; Jakubowski, M.; König, R. et al.; Krychowiak, M.; Wagner, F.; Niemann, H.; Tamura, N.; Bussiahn, R.; Effenberg, F.; Geiger, B.; Wegner, T.; Ford, O.; Bozhenkov, S.; Fuchert, G.; Gao, Y.; Hacker, P.; Kwak, S.; Langenberg, A.; Pablant, N.; Reimold, F.; Svensson, J.; Thomsen, H.; Winters, V.; Pedersen, T. S.; Klinger, T.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Results from the first operation phases of Wendelstein 7-X. 9th International Workshop on "Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas (SFP)" – 3D Physics in Stellarators and Tokamaks, Bad Honnef (submitted)
Blackwell, B. D.; Endler, M.; Hammond, K.; Rudischhauser, L.; König, R.; Wurden, G.; Bozhenkov, S.; Wenzel, U.; Effenberg, F.; Schmitz, O. et al.; Feng, Y.; Niemann, H.; Drews, P.; Jakubowski, M.; Krychowiak, M.; Klose, S.; Pisano, F.; Cannas, B.; Pedersen, T. S.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Results from Langmuir Probe arrays in the scrape off layer of the Wendelstein 7-X Advanced Stellarator. 23rd Australian Institute of Physics Congress (AIP 2018), Perth (submitted)
Effenberg, F.; Brezinsek, S.; Feng, Y.; Jakubowski, M. W.; König, R.; Krychowiak, M.; Schmitz, O.; Suzuki, Y.; Zhang, D.; Ali, A. et al.; Barbui, T.; Biedermann, C.; Blackwell, D. B.; Burhenn, R.; Cseh, G.; Dittmar, T.; Drewelow, P.; Endler, M.; Frerichs, H.; Gao, Y.; Geiger, J.; Hammond, K.; Killer, C.; Kocsis, G.; Lore, J. D.; Niemann, H.; Otte, M.; Puig Sitjes, A.; Rudischhauser, L.; Schmitt, J. C.; Pedersen, T. S.; Szepesi, T.; Wenzel, U.; Winters, V.; W7-X Team, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Max Planck Society: Demonstration of Power Exhaust Control by Impurity Seeding in the Island Divertor at Wendelstein 7-X. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), Gandhinagar (submitted)
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